Updated Thursdays

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Weekend Reading 37

We have another video, made by SouthParkMex713; if you want to be the first to see these, subscribe to his channel! This is made up of a few quotes from SPM's last letter, to give people an idea of the kinds of shit that went on during the trial. Please, feel free to spread it around on Facebook, Twitter, etc. If one person sees the video and is inspired to look into the case a little deeper, that's a win.

Also, I have been looking for footage of SPM's trial; apparently part of his sentencing and the punishment phase of the trial were recorded. If you have it, or know somebody that does and would be willing to share it digitally, drop me a line at the blog email.

OR, if you are amazing at searching, check out one of these news footage archives:





I have been searching, but no luck so far. If you have a minute, enter in a few words and see what you can come up with. If you find footage of the trial that's not available on You Tube, please send me the information so I can look into getting ahold of it.


Anonymous said...

They definately were.abc news 13 all them news stations were there . They even had as far as i can remember him being in the county jail in all black. theres definately footage out there. alot of film..im sure somebody does help out yall! peace

Anonymous said...

Damn nice link! & yea i agree with the guy above it was on the news those weeks as a top story. there was one of him speaking to a news crew about the case. arrogant as always tho. free spm!!!

Anonymous said...

Free my nigga SPM. Fuk da laws

Anonymous said...

Nicee incandesio yo this blog is nice. ! btw there is footage mtv and bet werre there hating on a meskin lol i remember alot of pl fell off after they heard that about spm. theres one footage clip of his wife(spm)gina avosta fighting the littles girl mother outside the courthouse.& a shit load of ppl outside the court house yelling SOuth park molestor!! smh. i hope you find footage!! good luck!!

salvadorboy13 said...

http://www.chron.com/default/article/South-Park-Mexican-releases-album-from-prison-1576392.php not court footage, but an interesting piece