Updated Thursdays

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

History of Forensics

Just a brief post today; I ran across Radley Balko's Brief History of Forensics and was struck by how many questions still remain about the scientific validity of 'hard evidence' like bite marks, hair matching, and even fingerprinting.

It's unbelievable what has been passed off as sure-fire proof of guilt in courtrooms, and it throws into stark relief the culture of 'conviction at any cost' that seems to haunt to many trials. While this doesn't touch on Coy's trial, as there does not seem to have been any physical evidence offered, it offers a peek at the mindset behind those prosecuting him.


Anonymous said...

Do you know anything about spm?

Incandesio said...

Anon 7:24,
Last I heard from him (about two weeks ago) he was doing okay.

Unknown said...

Incandesio, i live in NC, and a man named Darryl Hunt was sent to prison for something he didnt do, he did 19 years in prison until they found out he was innocent, and now he has a program to help innocent prisoners, i hope this information can be useful, much love and respect, FREE SPM...

Anonymous said...

Have much love & respect for coy know some of the family that is close to him. Hope he is doing well.