Updated Thursdays

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Letter to Pat Lykos 31

Middle of the month, time to write Pat Lykos! Please join me in this; one letter from me means nothing, but a letter from each of us will let the D.A.'s office know that we're here, we're growing, and we want justice.

The Honorable Patricia Lykos
1201 Franklin St
Houston, TX


I'm writing today about the case of Carlos Coy, #908426.

I was encouraged to see that earlier this month George Rodriguez, a man recently exonerated by your office, settled with the city for about 3 million dollars in return for the 17 years he was wrongfully incarcerated. The article I read online mentioned that he had a previous felony conviction, which came up repeatedly in the comments. Many could not believe that the city would free a man, much less pay him for a wrongful conviction when he had been convicted of a felony previously. 
We're Americans, and we like our good guys to be as pure as the driven snow, and our bad guys to have souls as black as the pit of hell. It's difficult for the public to desire for justice for someone who doesn't fit the cookie-cutter mold of innocence.

As you may know, Coy himself does not fit into that mold. He has a  past which some have used to justify his continued incarceration; they feel that the end (his incarceration) justifies the means (his dubious trial), and don't care to look into it any further. However, you were willing to take steps to verify Mr. Rodriguez's innocence, even though you were not obligated to. You understood that imprisoning a man on false evidence did not make the citizens of Texas any safer, but rather threatened the liberty of us all. You cleared the way for him to receive compensation for the years of his life that were stolen for him, despite his past.

When you requested full exoneration for him, you stated “...we acted on the most important obligation of all – to see that the truth emerges, and that justice is done.”

I am asking you to do the same for Carlos Coy; help us find the truth, and ensure that justice is done.

Me, my address, blah blah blah.


Anonymous said...

Hey Incandensio has Pat Lykos ever respond to one of these letter?

Incandesio said...

Nope; I've heard back from the post conviction review unit and Jim Leitner, the former 1st ADA, though.

At this point it's more about letting her know there are a lot of people concerned about this...If/when they finally do start looking into the case, I don't expect to hear back personally anyway.

Anonymous said...

Hello i am an SPM fan i grew up listening to some of his music ,
I was wondering if he will write back to me if i wrote him a letter ? If so whats his address? Free spm fuck the haters you dont know shit !

Incandesio said...

His address is:
Carlos Coy
James V. Allred Unit
2101 FM 369 N.
Iowa Park, TX

He tries to write back, but he's working on The S.O.N. right now so it might take awhile.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Incandesio (:
Ill still write to him soon , how is he doing in there? Will there be an interview of him anytime soon for his fans out here? Thank you

Incandesio said...

No problem! Last I heard he's doing well; he can't record an interview until he gets out of AdSeg (solitary).

Anonymous said...

Mayne, Now Thats Real Watchu Doin' Incandesio, Keep It Up And I Hope SPM And Lil' Bing Out Soon Screwston Need All Its Mexican Rappers Back Things Aint Ever Been The Same Since DJ Screw's Death.

Pimp C, DJ Screw, Fat Pat, & Big Hawk

Anonymous said...

I wished SPM got good news one day saying he was being released :( , free spm fucking gold digging hoez they mothers and still act little and frame people , keep your head up spm (:

Unknown said...

Hi I'm a big S.P.M fan and i grew up listening to his music. I want to know if its ok if i can write to him too??

Incandesio said...

Alex, anyone can write him! Just use the address above. :-)

Anonymous said...

wat if some people dont have a facebook or social network to ask spm questions ? Is there another way to ask?

Unknown said...

Ok thanks(:

Unknown said...

The address you put we got to right all of that????

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Yes alex you do write all of it (:

Anonymous said...

Yes alex you do write all of it (:

Incandesio said...

Yes, and don't forget to put your address in the upper left-hand corner.

Thanks :-)

Unknown said...

Ok thanks

Anonymous said...

It would be kewl if spm could be on the show lockup (:
For us fans out here will show us he's good in there but he prob can't, :(
Free spm we miss you out here .

Anonymous said...

I really want to read his books and I wish there was a movie of his story ..I love and respect him so much

Unknown said...

Mrs Icandesio I think the fact that you are willing to help Carlos Coy is very classy of you. Its good to know that someone with your intelligence has a passion for his case and for justice. I would assume that it would be good if we can write this Linda Lycos a lettet similar to yours? That will be a challenge that im willing to take on behalf of Mr Carlos Coy. Free SPM

Incandesio said...


Thank you very much!
Writing letters to Pat Lykos is very important, and I appreciate everyone who helps out by sending letters!