Updated Thursdays

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Letter to Devon Anderson (10)

Time for another letter to the District Attorney; as always please feel free to write your own, copy this one, or just send one of the downloadable flyers to your right. All of you that send out a letter, thank you. 

Devon Anderson
1201 Franklin St
Suite 600
Houston, Tx 77002-1923


I’m writing today about the case of Carlos Coy, #908426.
Recently, Representative Harold Dutton of Houston introduced a bill to abolish the death penalty in Texas; while I understand this is a controversial topic, I believe that he has raised some valid arguments. Many Texans do question the fairness of our justice system, and question whether we can morally apply the death sentence when we have proof, in the bodies of many, many exonerated men and women, that a conviction does not always unequivocally equal guilt.

            For those sentenced to death, however, there is a system of appeals and review that may eventually lead to their exoneration. For those sentenced to anything less, very little opportunity is given.  Deference is given to the original trial court’s decision, and nothing short of a miracle, or a revelation of gross misconduct is enough to call these convictions into question.

            Ma’am, I am not a lawyer; I do not have the education, training, or experience to remedy what I believe was a terribly mishandled conviction. You are in a position to do so, and your recent support of grand jury reform gives me hope that you may someday take an interest in Coy’s case. Please, take a look at his trial, or have your Post Conviction Review unit begin an investigation. Please, give us justice for this man.

Me, my address, etc  etc etc.

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