Updated Thursdays

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Letter to Devon Anderson 1

Well, I’ll be damned. It looks like Mike Anderson’s widow, former judge and prosecutor Devon Anderson, has been appointed the interim DA. Apparently this kind of thing is not without precedence, and Anderson is obviously qualified for the job; so, we can finally resume our letters to the D.A.! As always, please feel free to write your own, copy this one, or just send one of the printable flyers to your right.

The Honorable Devon Anderson
1201 Franklin St
Suite 600
Houston, Tx 77002-1923


            I’m writing to you today about the case of Mr. Carlos Coy, case number 908426.
You may not be familiar with his story, as his trial was over ten years ago. Coy was, and still is, a highly visible fixture of Houston’s thriving underground rap scene. In 2002, he was convicted of Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child and sentenced to 45 years in prison.

            There was never any physical evidence in the case, nor even any attempt that I can find to collect any. His accuser’s claims changed over time, and were inconsistent and hazy even in the courtroom. The testimony of those called to support her accusation were likewise confused and contradictory; the first written statement, and even the video interview were discarded and then re-done days later at the embattled Children’s Assessment Center.

Ma’am, you have spent years as a prosecutor, a judge, and a defense lawyer; your commitment to the city of Houston is unquestionable, and I have no doubt that you have seen all sides of the criminal justice system. If you were to look into this controversial conviction, I believe you would see even more problems with the case than I have outlined here.

            There are many of us who would like to see him granted a new trial, or at least to have someone look into the first and find out how a man could be convicted of such a heinous crime with such flimsy evidence. We are trying to make the public aware of how such a low standard of proof threatens all of us, no matter our background.

Please, take the time to look into this case; give us justice.

Me, my name, etc etc etc.

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