Updated Thursdays

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

SPM Responds (Part 10.a)

To see the comments mentioned in this post, click here and scroll down to the end of the post.



            I received a letter from Incandesio and (as you know) she always includes comments from her blog. Let me thank you for all your love, and for always standing up for me when these haters decide to visit us.


            This letter will focus on some of the twisted beliefs of two people that were on the blog. I’ve always told you that haters are important in this journey because they bring up points, and it gives me the chance to dismantle those points. Haters are gonna hate regardless, but everyone should see that their words carry no weight.


            The two people I mentioned were an Anon, and a person named “Eric.” First of all, I don’t believe either one of them are who they say they are. If I’m wrong, I apologize, but I believe these are either members of Jane Doe’s family, someone close to the family, or someone involved in my case somehow, someway. I say that because, especially “Eric”, knew a lot of half-truths about my trial, but never mentioned being at the trial.


            As far as Anon, I doubt she could be Jane Doe’s educated aunt because her grammar was borderline retarded. It could’ve been her [other] aunt.


            “Eric” could be her educated aunt, but who knows? If they are someone in her family, they’re either afraid, or they’re victims of the lies in this case. The last thing these people want is for me to get a new trial.


            It’s not like I’m gonna get out and hang you hoes by the tree in the front yard. I’m not worried about revenge. Prison saved my life and you’ll see how true that is when I can finish my book. As far as your attempts to make me look guilty, or discourage people from supporting me, all you can do is the opposite. Whether I’m free or in prison, I’ll continue to rise. God isn’t on the side of hateful bitches. You judge me and don’t know me, but God knows who I am.


            Anon popped up right after a person ended his comment with this: “…Carlos Coy should be given a fair trial.”


            Here’s what he/she said: “Fuck no keep that animal caged up he guity as fuck all pedophiles lie my sis was raped by a family member the matafucker denied it all threw the trails so who so i believe my sister or that sick piece of shit! That jerk child molesting prick is guilty and he has a past sleeping around with lil girls no shit he had dirt in his hands what the fuck is a jury going to think when he has had sex with a 13 yr old to me that piece of shit is guity believe it or not i know he is he's. Lying out his ass keep dedending a child molester sooner or later that sick basterd will let all you sorry no good music likers know the truth!”


            It’s clear that Anon’s English teacher should be fired and then flogged in public. Here’s how Incandesio responded: “An innocent man and a lying pedophile will both say that same thing: ‘I didn’t do it.’ So how do you tell one from the other? *evidence* There was no hard evidence in SPM’s case. Also, I want to point out that as far as I know, Coy has never tried to hide his child with Jill Odom. He’s always been up front that he made a mistake, and said that although he was lied to, he takes responsibility for it. So how does that mesh with your image of a perpetually lying pedophile?”


            Anon responded: “Why didn't she said or anybody came up in court saying she was a stripper come on he knew she was 13 yeara old so please stop this none sense tgey will not release that pedophile let him go and let every single other pedophile Go what makes him so special just because he makes sucky music don't. Meet shit he is a convicted child molester!


Ms. Anon, when you first popped up, you immediately mentioned a “sis” who was raped by a family member. This is another reason I believe you’re connected to Jane Doe’s family. In my opinion, you shared that too fast, as if you were trying to throw off the reader by acting like the sibling of another victim.


            If I promise not to send someone to cut off your fingers, would you let Incandesio know who you are, with legitimate ID, and give her the case number to your sister’s trial? She can find out if you are who you say you are. If so, I’m sorry about what happened to your sister.


            As far as my son with Jill Odom, he’s a gift from heaven, no matter how you look at it. He’s something I’ll never regret. Still, the fact remains that Jill lied about her age and God knows that’s the truth. I was a twenty-two-year-old zombie who lived in a haze of fry smoke and alcohol, but I’m not making any excuses for myself. When the DA offered five years for both Jane Doe’s and Jill Odom’s case, I told my lawyer, “I’ll take ten years for my son, but I won’t say I did something that I didn’t do.” There was no doubt in my mind that I would win in court if that’s what they wanted to do. Now, that five years doesn’t sound so bad. I would’ve done 2 ½ and been home by 2004.


            I keep hearing this thing about Jill being a stripper when I met her, but I’ve never said that and I doubt it’s true. She became a stripper later in life, and maybe that’s where the confusion came about. I met her through a friend named MC Free. He and I were in a rap group back in ’93, ’94. I would go to his house in Denver Harbor (a neighborhood in Houston) and we would work on songs. One night some chicks called his house and wanted to chill. It was Jill, her sister and some other chick.


            To me, Jill was just a girl from Pasadena who would spend the night every now and then. She knew I had a girlfriend, and she told me about a boyfriend she had in the Army. She had a picture of him, some Black dude in a military uniform.


            Jill lived with her parents but she came and went as she pleased so, of course, I thought she was of age. I was having sex with her, not giving a damn if she got pregnant. I might’ve been smoking fry back then, but you’d have to be fucking insane to not care about going to prison for impregnating an underaged girl. I later found out that she was one of those females infatuated with having a baby, and she found the perfect dumbass to help her out.


            This Anon character called me a pedophile (among other things) and what’s crazy is I never knew, exactly, what that meant. I looked it up in my dictionary and it means a person who is sexually attracted to children.

            Ms. Anon, you’re believing a lie. I don’t know how else to say it. I fucked up in the situation with Jill, but this was a full-figured girl. Who the fuck would be attracted to a kid? There’s no body, no tits, no ass. I’m sorry to be blunt, but come on dumb bitch. Ask people who know me, I fucked with nothing but thick stallion hoes. You got Russel the Hit Muscle all fucked up. I think you should personally apologize to him. Since I’m pretty sure you’re a woman, it’s only right that you give him a little kiss on the forehead. I’m sure he’ll feel better after that.


            Incandesio was on her way out and didn’t have a lot of time to spend with Anon, but here’s something she wrote: “You should never just roll over and allow the government to ignore your rights, whether it’s your right to a fair trial, or your right to privacy, or security in your property.”


            That’s when “Eric” first popped in. She was more educated than Anon, you could tell by her writing. Here’s what she said: “Incandesio, what about his trial was unfair? A lack of physical evidence doesn't mean his trial was unfair. They had credible testimony from a credible victim. She described the assault in graphic detail, and her story logically made sense. Her story was backed up by other people too, like when Carlos told her he was going to make her a star with his new dance studio if she kept quiet, and then he told her family the same story. Can you ask Carlos why he offered her that? Can you also ask him why he wanted to make a dance studio for little girls in the first place?”


            “Eric” was civil with her questions and comments, and I’ll try to return the sentiment. But can I please cuss just one time? I’ve never told anyone I was opening a fucking dance studio for little girls. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? What could I do with a bunch if dancing little girls? I don’t have the transcripts to that specific testimony, but I’m pretty sure Eric is right about Jane Doe and her family saying that.


            What I was gonna do was open a talent program for young people interested in the arts, especially acting. I was sick of going to the movies, with twenty different films showing, and not one of them portraying a Mexican-American. I knew there was talent out there, but nobody was doing anything to find and develop it. But it’s the perfect example of how these DA’s worked with this family to think of every way they could to make me look like a child molester. Obviously it worked, and that’s probably because I didn’t get on the stand and defend myself. My lawyers told me that it was best not to testify because the DA’s would bring up the baby I had with Jill, and that would make me look like shit. But I told my lawyers, “That was nine years ago. I can explain my side of the story. But if I don’t testify in this Jane Doe trial, I’ll look guilty.”


            But they assured me they knew what they were doing, and I’m sure they did. They just didn’t realize how much crooked shit these DA’s would do to win the trial. And the judge made it more than obvious that he was on the DA’s side. That type of shit speaks loudly to a jury because they automatically think the judge knows more about the case than they do. They didn’t know he was a racist bitch, pissing in his pants at the thought of me going to prison. It was public knowledge that I was waging a war on cops, that I was gaining power at a rapid pace, that I was this gangster running a company called Dope House Records. I blew up in Houston like an atomic bomb. I was the system’s worst nightmare, but I’ll talk about my problems with them later. (For the record, I respect and highly appreciate police officers. You can’t put a price on men and women who risk their lives to protect others. My problem was with all the pieces of shit who abuse the badge on their shirt.)


            As far as this dance studio for little girls, that’s ridiculous bullshit. It was just one of their many twists on the truth that all together costed me my freedom.


            Let me go to where Eric said this: “They had credible testimony from a credible victim. She described the assault in graphic detail, and her story logically made sense.”


            This is why I love you haters, even you civil ones. Your comment, Ms. Eric, gives me the chance to reveal one of the most eye opening parts of testimony in my trial. Jane Doe’s story did not make logical sense. In fact, it was impossible to be true. In part 2 of this letter, I’ll show you exactly what she said about this assault, using the official court transcripts. If we would have caught this impossibility, I wouldn’t be here today.


            Eric also said they had “credible testimony from a credible victim.” First of all, I already showed you (in a previous letter) how she was trying to tell anyone who would listen that she wasn’t even sure an assault took place, that it could’ve been a dream. That should’ve raised all kinds of questions, but nobody wanted to hear that. Once the system knew this accusation involved SPM, they more than wanted to believe it was true. I know that sounds like some paranoid conspiracy shit, but their actions prove it.


            Jane Doe admitted to my criminal lawyer, on the stand, that she wasn’t sure what happened that night. The DA’s had to use their “professionals” to clean up that testimony. Do you call that credible? I’m sorry, but if somebody sexually assaults you, you’re going to know it.


As far as this “dream” testimony, I believe it was birthed by her own guilty conscience. She couldn’t flat out say she knew I did this, because she knew I didn’t. I think more of that guilty conscience showed up during the civil process, which is when her story changed.


            I already wrote you, in a previous letter, how in criminal trial Jane Doe said this assault took place for “about a minute.” After I lost in criminal court, these people took me to civil trial to sue me for money. During Jane Doe’s deposition for the civil trial, under sworn oath, she told my civil lawyer that the assault only occurred for one second. Just to make sure he heard her right, he asked her again, and again she said “one second.” Till this day, that’s the story she’s sticking to. Perhaps she believes (by saying it was only a second) it somehow makes it less of a lie, thus helping her sleep better. Either way, the change destroys the testimony she gave in criminal court.


            Eric said, “She described the assault in graphic detail,” and the most graphic detail came when the DA asked her what she felt on her sexual organ. She answered, “slobber.”


            After that answer, the jury looked like they wanted my head on a platter. But don’t forget this was a rehearsed story, and Jane Doe knew exactly what to say when the question was asked. They practiced for seven months and I’ll show you that fact, using the court transcripts.


            If there really was an assault, and there was all this slobber, then why didn’t they even try to collect any evidence? That would have been the first thing they did if this graphic detail came from the truth. Saliva is full of DNA and it would have been on her, her panties, the bedsheets.


            Of course, they said she took a bath before seeing the doctor, and that all her clothes had been washed before any evidence could be collected, but DNA can still be found after clothes have been washed. And what about the bed sheets? They made no effort to collect anything, because they knew there was nothing to collect. The “slobber” testimony was just to appall the jury and it worked. But now she’s saying this assault happened for one second, so it makes no sense. What did I do, spit on her real quick then walk out the room? The jury was duped but how could they have known that her story would change?


            For the record, I didn’t do this for one second, or one milli-second. A person doesn’t just throw their life away to do some disgusting shit for one second. You have to use your common sense.


            The reason I even began this process of showing you the facts, was because I’m tired of these hoe-ass haters acting like they know what they’re saying. What hurts the most is my people don’t know how to respond. If it were up to me, I wouldn’t give a fuck what anybody thought, I’d just let my lawyers keep working on getting me out of here. But I can’t sit around and let you get beat and battered by these bitches who have no idea what they’re talking about.


            Everything I’ve said on this letter, I’ll prove using the official court transcripts. Next week I’ll start on part 2 of this letter, and that’s when I’ll take you to that crooked-ass courtroom. It’s not common that a man comes to prison for a crime he didn’t commit. A lot has to go wrong, and a lot of wrong has to go on, and that’s why it’ll take a few letters to show you what happened. Just remember that when I show you court transcripts, I’m showing you exactly what was said and done in my trial. Not one word has been twisted or tweaked in any way.


            “Eric” had a lot more to say and I’ll cover every point she made, too. Now that I’m finished with part 1 of this letter, I’m going to write you a “Quick Update” on The Son. Incandesio will probably post it a day or two after she posts this.


            Con Mucho Amor,




Anonymous said...

Mrs.Coy ive folowed and gotten info about you..alot. first of all i want to mention a HUGE misconception or pet pevve of mines. being MEXICAN is NOT a race its a nationality...u of all ppl should know that. a mexican is native anerican and white in general a mexican person has 34 diff races in him/her.and ur irish mexican ur last name is irish...ok moving on. i wanted to mention a couplebof things about your trial..why didnt u take the 5 years? and why did you not make a statement when u were asked wen thr verdict was reached?. & ive heard that lil bing and you are in bad terms is that true?. one thing i always notice about u is thay u always contradict yourself ...your a boastful /uneducated infividual who thinks the world owes him sumthing .and the biggest question of them all when judgement day comes... which way will you go...up or down? . sincerly your fan.

Incandesio said...

I'm trying to figure out why you keep referring to him as "mrs." Coy...Also, while Coy may be an Irish surname, it may also be a Spanish surname: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coy,_Spain

Which still begs the question, why does it matter?

Anonymous said...

I think he said he didn't take the 5 years because he wouldn't admit to something he didn't do, and he mentioned earlier on another letter that he was real cool with Lil Bing.

Anonymous said...

Incandesio, you should be a lawyer. We need more intelligent, fair and motivated people in the justice department.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but this so called fan is a dumbass!!

Anonymous said...

at anon 11:13 they took 10 yrs of his life already so i think they do owe him something, a fair trial would be a good way to start

Anonymous said...

i meant anon 10:49 sorry bout that incandesio

Anonymous said...

Haha i agree with anon 10:49 Coy is irish. and many.hispanics have a huge misconception about what race is these dumbasses think mexican is a race, no wonder the whites laugh at their asses.the first step to improving our selves is by acting and being educated. oh look they locked me uo because im "mexican" ...oh look there hating on me bc im brown...oh look there locking me up bc im an up and coming "mexican" rapper. BULLSHIT spm knows thats trash ..its ad hominem...man up to your guilt man. no its not bc your "mexican" educate yourself dumbass its because you commited a CRIME..lets see how can i put this...crime + person= consequence JAIl TIME. Your a sick man and i feel sorry for you..but i will show conpassion bc wether i like it or not ur my brother..were gods children. You can fool these sheep fans of yours but you cant fool me... i know a liar when i see one.

Anonymous said...

It does matter this idiot is what is making our youth especially hispanics so ignorant.and how in the hell did he not realize she was undraged? did over the timespan of thevyrs he soent NOT ONCe ask her for her age? Im sorry but thats just plain ol stupid...he knows she was young..he picked her up from middle school!" for gods sake.this guy has no dignity . no wonder bing the other great rapper nvr speaks to this man. I remember a long time ago i was in the woodlands having dinner with a couple of friends around 2001.one of my friends net thus chick who looked VERY young i would say 16-17.me and my friend spoke with her for a bit...wen she got a phone call..let her take the call..my friend then asked her who it was she said ..its carlos coy...the south park mexican. you see incandesio there is things u simply dont know about there has been alot kf stories about coy ..you dont know wats iys like being and artist trust me ivevseen these guys thete mentally deprived. theres no doubt in my mind that this guy is as guilty as OJ. im done

Anonymous said...

The idiot obviously is not a fan. Spm has already written about the questions that were asked.


Anonymous said...

I hurd that too nigga about lil bing not liking spm for being a bitch but idk. i would likeee to see and spm vs bing battle rap match that shit woould go off Free SPM!!!

Essay#FREESPM said...

This brings me to the case of Tupac Shakur when he was accused of sexual assault. On trial he told the judge, "you haven't even looked at me or my attorney straight in the eyes in this entire trial, So give me whatever sentence/ time you want because I'm not in your hands, I'm in gods hands". This type of stands are not being search for justice. They want to make you look bad and destroy everything you have worked for. Hope you doing good Carlos, we miss you. Let this haters talk, Only god can judge you-essay #FREESPM

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

11:52 stop saying that u agree with 10:49,you're probably the same person. Trying to make it seem like someone else agrees with u. I hope u enjoyed the letter,keep coming back im sure there will be more,bitch.
Hoe you're not a fan.

Anonymous said...

^^^^proves to everyone how fucken stupid and guillable u retards are.your argument is this.."hes spm he was set up hes innocent" .shut the fuck up ..hes a chomo. and this sick bastard picked ger up from middle school. hopefully one day you have a kid and u undestand. i saw him during his rise this fucker was the most arrogant boastful piece of shit on earth. guess wat? he diesnt care about yall..he does this to save what little he gas left.. his reputation.in prison this cat is a bitch.i did time in tdc and hes a square...wanna know whos real as fuck? Lil Bing. that boy has heart and skill way more talented than spm...hes a true soldado .bing doesnt like spm.nor do any of the shut em down click.this guy uses ad hominem in other words he directs every case or allegation thrown at him as a personal insult. you back stabbin bitch u turned ur back On Bing. This dude needs to tell his fans the truth..u guys are a bunch of mindless sheep! .im out

Essay#FREESPM said...


Anonymous said...

I remember lil villain slapped the shit out of him in 2001 at a car show .bing checked his ass couple of times.but i.got lovebfor the mex hes raw. but i deff do agree Bing was a prodigy such a talent . i dreamed of spm & bing taking over htown but we alk know what happened . Such a shame. they let us down....Free S.P.M

Mr.Narro said...

Wow this makes me laugh so much to hear so much haters talk bad about you Carlos and they don't know and damn thing... at least I'm I'm straight topic with you and I see what your saying that why we have to love our haterz Cuz the more they read about this blog and see what your saying. They gonna look dumb as hell when they are the truth... I have a question for you Carlos how long did they noticethe girl had be touch and abuse? Did they reported 10 days after they "say" that you "did" that? Cuz to me homie I know it was a set up and they had to find a way to frame you. This is how they did my uncle, him his wife and two daughters live like a happy family his wife in laws didn't like my uncle for what ever reason... so they took it to a step further and reported him and accused him of touching his own daughters which was a lie... so they went to court and a fight it so the judged was gonna give him 10 yrs so that when my mom and my step dad came in and paid 25,000 up front for him to not to go to prison but in stead they gave him 10 yrs of probation and this ten yrs past his last week is Nov 10 2012 to get off probation but I thought I would share you this story what had my uncle went threw although it was dumb for the in laws for doing that..... any one can say that person touch that girl or did something to him/her that just how many haters we have out there but hope to hear back from you about my question...

Thanks for your time

Anonymous said...

This fool is just bringing up Bing's name to sound relevant. I bet he has never even crossed paths with him. You act like u know both SP and Bing personally. Lets assume u do (I highly doubt it) say your name,how do u know them,give us the info big dog.shut em down click? Vato,you probably listened to that sambo clip they have on YouTube and know u act like u know everything. Stop with that he said, she said crap. Stop faking it. stop name dropping.Get of Bing's jock, make your own moves. FRee SPM!

Anonymous said...

Man SPM is a fucking LEGEND if you want to admit or not quit being some hating ass bitches just cause the MEX. was paid jealous ass hoes

Anonymous said...

You fraudulant bitches hate on s.p. like if yall seen this girl get molested by him. Yall hoes need to stop judging, let god do his job! There is no type of physical solid evidence to prove him guilty. A testimoney from a child is not physical solid evidence. Something here seems out of wack. No dna, no witnesses, then the mother waits several days to report her child being molested! who the hell waits several days to report their child being molested? Maybe a fucking liar! Sounds like some silly shit to me. spm will be free so get off the gas and stop hating! FREE SPM, LOS, EL COYOTE

Anonymous said...

I hate when a hoe say I'm Hispanic or Latino bitch yous a Mexican Rep that shit

Anonymous said...

BODYBAG!! Los put them haters in a casket!! sorry ass haters, yall see SPM coming back up and it hurts yall to see some one doing it yall just gotta come back a talk shit lol...fuck outta here, nameing names and shit, yall pathetic

Anonymous said...

From what I heard this blog was about helping Carlos get another trial a fair one not once I have I read this blog is to put him down or hate or put ur two sense in bout negative shit. So all y'all bumbing dick suckers need to move around and keep it moving shit Obama won already get over it don't come take ur anger out on here Romney fans

Julio said...


Julio said...


Anonymous said...

Wow! Really why all the hateful remarks! One if you don't know him and judge him! I remember sitting at the studio on some of the hot ass summer days! Being close to Los I know he could never do such a thing! And for all you misinformed people go and get a transcript of his trial! And you can see there that so many lies were told! She keep changing her story the day time location! I will always be on Los side no matter what you haters say! He has and always will be a good friend a shoulder to cry on! My oldest daughter loved going to his concerts and going to the studio with me! Don't you think if he was such a bad person he would have done something to her and that would have made her scared of him right? Well she still supports him 100%!

Anonymous said...

When u posting the quick update letter?

Anonymous said...

Really? you haters are going to bring up SPM's last name,that shit is pathetic. I bet SP is going to be laughing his ass off when he reads the comments. What's next? You kids are going to criticize his handwriting(no offense playa, these haters are just stupid like that.haha.)

Just remember for every hater, u have a hundred true fans. We are going to ride with u till the end. Most men would've broken down under the circumstances but not u they cant stop u.these frauds are just mad because you're still standing tall and because we still support you. The hate doesn't allow them to see the truth.they are blinded by hate.

Im glad to read that you're in a better place both mentally and spiritually. Stay on the right path,brother.Free SPMEX!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Los with everything he had to say.Los only God can judge you so screw what those other fools are saying. God put you there for a reason you may not know what it is all I can tell you that blessings comes with all this .You are still living and making hits your name and legacy continues to put a mark in this game. Yo, I laughed when these fools posted that comment that you have a so called irish last name no wonder these irish fools in massachusetts be jamming SPM cus he kinda has an irish boston accent jaja peace homie. I say that cus these dudes up here heard that never change album and were hooked to you, good thing I had two never change albums cus that nigga disapeared. Alan Contreras, Houston Texas peace

Incandesio said...

I appreciate all the comments, positive and negative.

Anon 9:55, it'll be posted when I get it.

Anonymous said...

U haven't seen him though, you haven't ha d a conversation with him face to face. I take his word because he has proved it through all the transcripts. I educate myself before I act. Anyways if he is guilty its up to god to decide not us.

Anonymous said...

This haters be shaking so much they can't even type right!! I don't know what you guys be hearing, but bing ain't never gonna be on sp's level. Now that's just my opinion so don't even bother arguing about it, because its not going to change!!



Anonymous said...

Bling & SPM got beef becuase there in rival prison gangs bling is tongo blast, coy is texas synicate

Anonymous said...

^ that shit doesn't matter as long as SPM is doing well. The most important thing is that hopefully one day SPM gets justice and he is set free!FREE SPM!!!! JAMMING OUT TO YOUR MUSIC FULL BLAST!

Anonymous said...

Haters always got something to say but you know what." If my name is in your mouth then my dick is down your throat" Haters can suck a dick you bitches deserve to die a million times you fucking internet gangsters I would fucking break your fucking fingers chop em up and fucking stick them up your fucking ass you mark ass bitches. I'm the hater hurter who snatches bitches like Ms. Eric and hellbound and make them dig there own graves break there legs and bury you rats and roaches alive so get to typing with your tounges and send me an email when you make it to hell you fake bitches. This aint no freestle or rap this is an assault to you bitch made haters. Now its time to collect this big feria and smoke me a blunt sip some lean and keep it trill jamming dat Dj Screw gray tape *Aint no sleeping" Free SPM

Beechnut 9Ost
74OO Bissonnet

beanieman said...

Much Love to Los!!! Fuck these hatin' ass puppets. FREE SPM!!!

Unknown said...

Thankyou incandesio for defending him so deeply (:

Angela Niño said...

It amazes me that a person can call people dumb and have SOOOO many gramatical and spelling errors. It also amazes me that so many people come here to post "their facts, stories, 1st person accounts of the SPM trial and no one has the balls to show true identity. If you are personally involved in the case or are related to it, wouldn't showing your identity give your story more credibility? I know when I post on here I always include my first and last name. I've posted some pretty personal shit about myself. I would like to question the people that come here to battle all of us, SPM, and Incandesio.......when did you begin to believe SPM was guilty, did you read articles? If so which ones? Did you watch videos? If so, which ones? Did you ever like the music SPM produced? Did you go from being a fan to a believer of his guilt? Did you ever look at someone that may have been underaged? Did you ever go to church? Where you ever personally attacked by Carlos? Do you brush your teeth? I think it's only fair we know more about the people coming here anonymously....after all you guys seem to know all about Carlos Coy. Here let me start with my story.

My name is Angela Niño.
I first heard SPM by way of my brother Alex.
Even though I rarely ever did drugs or got in trouble, SPMs music, lyrics were put together in a way that, even if you wanted to, they couldn't be ignored.
I was 4 when I began to be abused. I was addicted and even more.so cause anything my brother liked I like....I love the dude!
I remember my abuser showing me a gun and telling me if I told...my family would be dead.
I was 8 when I sat in front of the whole court and told them my story. I wore a purple dress. I remember due to court I would no longer have perfect attendance. I remember standing in the middle of the court and having to demonstrate what happened to me. I remeber how he looked at me and the judge asking if I needed water or a break. But that day was my time and I did what I needed to do. To tell the truth. When things happen for real, there should never be a question about having to clear shit up! You either know what happened or it didn't! My abuser got 20 years for what he did to me. I hope he thought of me everyday. I've been questioned as to how the fuck I could defend a convicted SPM. The answer is easy. I know the power of my truth. There was cold facts....my truths could not be disputed. At 8 my truths could not be disputed! I can only imagine what Jane Doe was put through. I remeber walking on the dock by my house with my attorney and she telling me that his attorneys were going to ask if we told you what to say. All I could remeber thinking was how can you know what I went through? So you see guys I was a credible witness with credible fact. I just feel that if you are guilty then you should be guilty due to the facts and evidence. If the case was that strong, then there should not have been any additional assistance needed to get the conviction by the state, judge, peace officers, investigators, counselors. If this could happen in such a high profile case where only pieces of the story were provided to the public, so not question the verdict, then I feel bad for all the other vicitms of the states that have no public following or voice. Our elected officials are in place to uphold the justice system not use it to punish people we do not like.

So to end my rant....to all that believe Carlos Coy is guilty you must also allow yourself to ask the question....can this man be innocent?

I've looked into both sides and as a victim....I still believe he is INNOCENT. Gracias and in the words of the admins of my favorite page Gracias y se la comen (for the haters)


Anonymous said...

These fakes can say what they want but we the true fans will never turn our back on you. Through out the years u have created the this unbreakable bond with your fans. Most of the ones that hate are the same niggas that hated you since the start, and the rest well they never were 100. The truth will be revealed. fuck the bullshit charges. FREE SPM!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Posting that quick update tonight?

Incandesio said...

Angela: Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you so much for your support; it really means the world to me. All of you who have commented, I really appreciate you taking the time to let me know your thoughts, wether they're positive or negative.

Anon 9:09:
Unfortunately not, because I haven't received it yet. Normally I wait to post Responses until I have the whole thing, but I wanted to get the first part of 10 out there right away, because I believe it addresses Eric's questions better than I could. I will be posting the Update as soon as I get it, though.

Anonymous said...

Hey Incandesio, just wanted to say you do a great job with this blog. Since all the comments are read by Carlos i wanted to ask something. I while back i seen articles online of Ice Cube and Dj Quik, each telling stories of how there entire catalog came about, there state of minds, some stories behind the songs etc. and wanted to see if he would mind doing that for the blog. I know it doesnt really have nothing to do with the main focus of the blog but i think all his true fans would love to hear the stories behind the albums and would love for him to break down his catalog like that. Amor from New Mexico!

Incandesio said...

Anon 3:25:

I really appreciate that! I also wanted to let you know that he's doing something for the upcoming Son of Norma similar over at his Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Son-of-Norma/108282089324599

krystal said...

Free him out I love his music its the best, he didn't do shit

Anonymous said...

Hi incandesio can u please tell me if carlos coy will get out ne time soon I am new to this blogg please respond I dont got a facebook or twiter so please respond asap

Sleepy lean said...

Make deeze hataz disapear like hoodini
Free spm like a damn gini
tha boy locked up cuz da hoez got greedy
cant stop dis shit cuz he still makn cds...

Anonymous said...

Man fuk all ya'll haters ..if you dont like spm then why da fuk u even reading his letters get the fuk out like i knoe theres something else u can be doing instead of hating nd talking shitt. Man spm keep ur head up u got alot of people that love you no matter what because nobody is perfect nd everybody deserves a 2 chance they aint noone to judge cuz i knoe if one of there family members would be in ur position they wouldn't be talking like damn animals . Ilove you spm forever (: FREE DA MEXICAN

O.G said...

lol Ahh So many opinions! Everyone is going to have their own opinion on his case, wether it's good or bad. Regardless of what happened, the amount of time he was sentenced to do is extremely exaggerated. Ultimately it is up to Carlos coy to show and tell what happened, and we as fans and to the ppl that are against, choose wether to believe or not. This case obviously had no justice, it had a plan with time and came with an ultimate price. been down with spm for the longest. but hey the guy is alive and all we can do is wait and see what happens. #true fan/Austin TX

Anonymous said...

incandesio is there a picture of jill odem when she was younger so ppl can see if she was a full figured girl ? that will shut ppl up who are callin him a child molestor bcuz if she had ass and tits like spm said then he was attracted to a full figured girl and not a child.

Eric said...

Really, Carlos? You thought a 12-13 year old was a legal, full figured woman? Even though you would drop her off at her middle school? What about all the other underage girls you slept with? Did they all lie too? That's always the excuse. "They lied about their age!" I call bullshit.

Oh, so it wasn't a dance studio, it was a talent program for young people? How young are we talking about? Why did they have to be "young people"? Why did you tell the little girl's family about what a great dancer she was? Did you not tell the little girl's family that you wanted to enlist her in this "program"? But you say the whole family is lying, including the grandmother who took the stand. Anyone who says anything negative about you is lying, but you're the one telling the truth, right Carlos? Was your daughter telling the truth when she said you would suck on her nose and arms?

I'm not related to the victim's family either. Believe it or not, objective outsiders believe you are guilty. I'd be more than happy to meet you or Incandesio in person too. Let me know if you're interested.

Anonymous said...

^ get over yourself

Incandesio said...

Eric, are you claiming to be an objective observer? You’re taking anything and everything said against Coy at face value, as absolute truth. Do you see that? What makes the testimony of the psychologist interviewed for ‘South Park Monster’ more believable than the testimony of the guy, Corzo, quoted in the rapidric.blogspot article? I’ve never used it on the blog because I don’t like to bring in anything I can’t attribute, but you claimed it was a good source of information; why are you so eager to believe one and discount the other?

You’re over here mocking the idea that anyone has ever mistaken a young teenager for a woman when a quick Google search will show you that it happens fairly regularly. You’re asking, with self-righteous incredulity, why anyone would tell a friend that their kid is talented. You’re not objective.

Anonymous said...

i know this might sound stupid to some but there's many people that believe that SPM got set up by the illuminati. i personally dont know what to believe but its very interesting, i was watching this video on youtube and there was some text and it said that the illuminati tries to destroy your image if you're against them or something like that(if u pay attention these devil worshipping whores are all over the industry). i immediately remembered that Pain said on an interview that was on Lala's world that they gave SPM these fucked up charges to destroy his image because if they had charged him for murder or drugs it would just give him something to rap about since he was a gangsta rapper, not exactly what he said but yeah. what do u guys think about that?

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering if maybe something had happened. Also SPm had said n a video that he was making $300-400 Thousand per month with no radio play so someone had to notice. And the devil worshiping crap its obvious in many cases. Idk guy I probably watched too many illuminati videos

Anonymous said...

Eric must wanna get hogg tied up runnin that cock suckn mouf! Free los!

Eric said...

I'm as objective as they come. If new evidence is presented, I will listen to it. If Carlos provides us the whole transcripts from the victim's testimony, I will read it, and I will decide how weak or strong it is.

Anonymous said...

F R E E * S P M


I love you SPM (NO HOMO)


Anonymous said...

F R E E * S P M


I love you SPM (NO HOMO)


Angela Niño said...

Eric...the transcripts are not under lock and key. Do your research and get your copy. It will cost you...why wait for SPM to post about it? I know, so you can continue to deny his innocence and continue to say he is lying.

beanieman said...

Who's pulling your strings, puppet!?

Jo said...


Anonymous said...

Fuck you eric don't be bringing carlos daughter in this you piece of shit, your one of the many haters out there you haters are just making us stronger , hater comments don't make us mad or anything just makes us grow stronger , so quit talking your shit fucking bitch , everyone talks shit to carlos now that he is in the penn but like he said when he was free noone stood up to him , get off carlos's nuts already shit . FREE SPM FUCK THIS ERIC ERICA WHATEVER HIS NAME IS NOT EVEN WORTH CARING WHAT HIS NAME IS. FUCK EVERY HATER

Anonymous said...

Ok let me start by saying spm is innocent they had no evidence against carlos therefore they can't hold him in prison under any circumstances now let's bring up the prosecuters its clear their lying ok they have the girl go up say he molested her comes back later says it might of been a dream. Let's go back a moment the 8th amendment states you cannot be punnished with cruel and or unusual punishment for anything 45 years sounds a bit cruel especially cause theirs no evidence being shown or presented very unsual for a petty crim while merderers get what a min of 5-10 years?

Anonymous said...

Carlos will always have haters he always has. He is here for fans not worried about the haters but yet the haters say they "hate" him but there reading everything he says. People that have nothing interesting in there lives so they rather start up a fight or an argument from the comfort of there own home in there computers. Get a life go out and get EDUCATED ! GO TO CHURCH seek God n his kingdom n U will find Peace. This is why Carlos still positive n full of faith . (VickyS)

Anonymous said...

how can i write to him?

Incandesio said...

Anon 12:02: His address is:
Carlos Coy
James V. Allred Unit
2101 FM 369 N.
Iowa Park, TX

Unknown said...

I love spm
I love his music
I love his beats
& i dont give a motherfuck what anyone has to say 'bout 'em ibelieve on his innocence and ibelieve he'll be out soon to prove every motherfucking hater WRONG keep doin' what ya doin' Los. people gone hate but no love is lost im waiting on you're new release coming out & on you're book cant wait for 'em to come out keep ya head up Gee you're fans are out here ready for you #freeSPM fuck the system much love and respect

Anonymous said...

I agree. If new evidence is presented I too would like to know about it. I also agree with this "Eric ". He's only showing us what he wants us to know about the transcripts from the victim's testimony. Why not show all the victim's testimony??? I'm confused with all this. Did he do it or did he not?? I grew up listening to SPM and I always loved his music. I makes me sad to think he would be capable of doing such horrible things to a little girl. He does have a track record for messing with under aged girls, but does that make him guilty in this case? Women who have been raped also change their story and that doesn't mean it didn't happen, it just means it was so terrifying and traumatizing that it becomes surreal. Could that be the case with a little girl who he says already had issues to begin with? I also believe that he does deserve a fair trial. Let me add that my brother is in prison for murder and he too was saying he was innocent but both him and I knew he did it cause I was there when it happened. And in his trail their was also alot of holes and testimony that didn't make sense. Alot of the witnesses couldn't keep they story straight but it didn't mean he didn't do it. I know it's two completely different cases but just to show that just because someone isn't keeping the same story ( especially a little girl) don't mean she's lying. Sooner or later God will let the truth come out and I hope and pray that you Mr. Carlos Coy is proved to be innocent.

Anonymous said...

Is Jill Odom black?

Anonymous said...

I don't think you're in a right place to call the youth "uneducated" judging by the way you spell. Carlos is not telling the youngsters, " Hey, go do what I did and sell dope".

Anonymous said...

I met Carlos when I was like 8 @ a carshow in Wichita, ks at Century ll on Easter. I went with my sister who is 2 years older then me and my dad. Carlos was performing on stage. There really wasn't alot of people but i remember. My sister and i got to meet him and got his autograph. I am now 26 and I still hold it down for him and my husband is from Dallas tx who is a huge fan of Carlos along with Dopehouse. My 8 year old son likes spm too. What I do know is that I think Carlos is innocent of the case with that Lil girl. Don't worry will be getting my hands on the transcript. Also I was 14 years old and dated guys 17-20s I have to admit not none of then knew my real age cuz I lied and said I was older and lied about my name too lol I was boy crazy I know not so good. A 14 year old or 13 years old doesn't have to look like a Lil girl. I wore make up, short tank tops showonh my tummy and short skirts and shorts all the guys thought I was at least 17 or older so I let them think that and lied. I had boobs a cute ass. Yes there are girls who arnt looking older but I totally understand where Los is coming from. I used fake I.D's at 14 to get in clubs and how I looked grown men were tryna holla. As to the 9 year old my mom has made my son say things of a situation with his step dad only because she hates him for not meetingup to her standards of what she wants in a guy for me. I forgave her for tryna make my son say things about his step dad that wasn't even true. There wasn't no evidence she can prove so she just couldn't go further this was 3 years ago. My son tells me all the things my mom would try to make him say or try to force a yes out of him when its a no. My son has a great step dad and I'm thankful. I believe this Lil girl was forced and her mother who slept with Los while the husband was in jail should be ashamed. she knew what her intensions were so therefore she thought she could get what she wanted which was Los but she was just a sidepiece. But to put your daughter through that for her mothers selfishness is wrong. No evidence and changed up stories is pretty common sense. That mother is no good to put someone in jail because Los wouldn't cash out on her is a Hungary Female. We can see how messed up the government/DAs,/ect are. Keep Hang in there Los and we will keep your name loud�� We love you..

Anonymous said...

They say Los picked Jill up from school where are the witnesses to that? Point blank he made a mistake with Jill. Obviously she was acting how I was acting when I was that age running around acting grown and not having no care in the world.. i see myself in these girls now days. They look older, dress inappropriate and act grown.

Anonymous said...

what happened to 10 part b? i wanted to read the transcripts to see what he was talking about...