Updated Thursdays

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Letter to Pat Lykos 26

First post of the month, time for another letter to Lykos! I intend to talk more about the story of Lisa Andrews exposing corruption in the Parole Department in a later post. In the meantime, please help us keep this case in front of the D.A. by writing a letter and sending it off, print out a copy of this one, or download one of the blog flyers to your right and send that.

The Honorable Pat Lykos
1201 Franklin St
Houston, TX


I'm writing today about the case of Carlos Coy, #908426.

     I have been following the news about the probation department's drug fiasco with great interest. While it feels a little ridiculous to point out that this is not an isolated case of the justice system incarcerating innocent citizens, I have to do it. It is one more scandal piled on top of a mountain of evidence that there are serious problems in Harris County, dating back to the days of D.A. Johnny Holmes.

     I saw that you had placed a moratorium on using the department's test results for any purpose, and I am sure that your office will, once more, go to great lengths to ensure that those who have had their probation revoked because of erroneous testing receive justice. What surprised me, though, was that attorney Lisa Andrews was spearheading this movement. If I'm not mistaken, she also prosecuted Coy. While I have grave doubts about the methods that were used in that case, I was very encouraged to read this recent quote,"In the criminal justice system, when people's liberty and their freedom is on the line, we have to be able to rely on our labs, our police officers, and our system, to have integrity," she told me. "And unfortunately, a few bad apples can bring down the whole system."

     Ma'am, I strongly believe that Coy's case was an example of foul play by the District Attorney's office. You have experience with overturning faulty convictions, with ensuring that the innocent do eventually get another day in court. I urge you once again to please, look into Coy's case. Consider whether the state's agents demonstrated the appropriate integrity, or simply took the shortest path to a career-enhancing, high-profile conviction.

Me, my address, blah blah blah.

As always, I really appreciate your help with this extremely important aspect of the blog.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i admire ur dedication to this case. you bust ur ass off to give us all these updates and i appreciate that alot. i read someones coment the other day on here saying they had some information to help u help spm get a new trial ? is there any new information ? and if carlos gets denied a new trial, would it be his last chance of gettin one

Anonymous said...

Thank you for all your work.

Anonymous said...


Meskinkid said...

This letter hits the spot. (they all do) dis one hit the G spot lol

Anonymous said...

there is this new SPM update on this youtube video


sambo mentions SPM around 6:40...i think it would be a good question to ask SPM

Incandesio said...

Thanks, everyone! I really appreciate it.

Anon 6:01:
Unfortunately, I can't really tell what he's talking about. There's no specifics, and since he's speaking in the past tense it doesn't really seem like an update, more of a complaint.

Anonymous said...

When do c.los drop son of norma?

Incandesio said...

Anon 9:10:

No date yet; last we heard it was in Universal's hands and Dope House was working on the Snippets.

Incandesio said...

Anon 11:01:

Thank you very much! Unfortunately, a lot of people say they have information but never show it. I am always interested in hearing other's opinions/discoveries about the case, but if it's stuff that relates to a person all I can do is tell them to send it to Dope House or Coy himself.

Anonymous said...

Hey incandesio how can i write Carlos in a letter to the prison hes at??? And do you think he will get it?

Incandesio said...

Anon 4:52:

Yeah, he'll get it! It might take awhile to answer though, it sounds like he's pretty swamped right now. Here's his address:

Carlos Coy
James V. Allred Unit
2101 FM 369 N.
Iowa Park, TX