Here are some of your questions from SPM’s last phone call on 10/25/2015; as always, I apologize for any errors in the transcription.
Mamii Involvidable asked, “If SPM now could give young SPM some
advice what would it be?”
Well, I think I’ve pretty much kept the same philosophy of life.
Interestingly enough, even since my teens I’ve always kept been very adamant
about not judging people; I remember a friend of mine, who I won’t name, his
mother and my mother took me and him to a lake. His mother was an alcoholic,
and my mother never drank a drop of alcohol in her life. She’s just a very
sober person, I guess you could say. When we went to the supermarket to buy
some snacks before we went to the lake, this woman was already buzzing pretty
good, but she could hide it to where she didn’t stumble, you know. She was just
extremely jolly and silly. She told my mom, “Watch this,” and she squatted
right there in the supermarket aisle, and peed on the floor. I didn’t know
this; me and my friend were in another area, but my mom told me later, and I
remember her telling my sister about it.
My sister started, you know, not that day but a few days later,
my sister seemed appalled, and disgusted, and was saying kind of rude things
about the woman. My friend was there at my house when my sister was expressing
how she felt about this woman peeing in the supermarket, in the aisle. I told
her, “You don’t know this woman, you don’t know what she’s going through. You
don’t know what’s between her ears, how can you judge her? How can you judge
anybody?” My sister said, “Well, I would never do that.” I said “Well of course
you never would, but that doesn’t make you any better than someone who would. I
remember you talking about a woman in our trailer park who let her kids run
around barefoot and kind of dirty, and you said you would never let your kids
run around like that. But that woman was from Mexico, and that’s what she
knows, that’s probably how she grew up. That’s what she comes from, and it was
okay for her and her family. People are just different, we can’t judge people.
We don’t know if they have physiological impairments, or man-made impairments,
or a combination of both.
I’ve always just kept that same philosophy. It’s really weird,
but I don’t think I would change a thing. Every experience I’ve been through,
specially my mistakes, have made me better qualified to do what I love doing,
and that’s trying to help people. As I try to help people it helps me with my
weaknesses, because we all share similar weaknesses. Anytime I give advice to
anyone, I’m giving it to myself first. My advice never comes from me, it’s
always the truth, and of course truth comes from the book written by the one
who created everything. So, it’s never Carlos Coy’s advice because Carlos Coy,
nor any man, has the answers.
If we had the answers nobody would be dying from AIDs, and
cancer, and prisons wouldn’t be jam-packed, and all these kids wouldn’t be in
gangs, and all these parents wouldn’t be neglecting kids, and people wouldn’t
be selling drugs if men had the answers; we don’t. Men don’t know very much. If
they know anything that’s true, it’s from God. But I would tell my young self
to be loyal to his wife. Because I never…growing up I wasn’t really given very
good examples of healthy relationships, so I didn’t really appreciate the
beauty of real love.
All the relationships around me were falling apart me, as far as
romantic relationships. It’s like if you are not a connoisseur of great wine,
you wouldn’t know a $10,000 glass of wine if you drunk it; it would taste like
a $5 bottle. What you don’t know you can’t appreciate. I didn’t understand the
beauty of a real relationship; I guess I would try to explain that to my younger
Ricky Z. asked, “How much did he win from the Texans game?”
I don’t gamble.
There’s no need to gamble, I’ve got more money than I need. Plus, gambling is
like the #1 reason people get into arguments around here, so I definitely try
to avoid it. I will gamble for push -ups and stuff like that. Like, I’ll bet
fifty push-ups on something so if I lose, really I win. (Laughing) Lord knows I need the exercise.
Jose said, “i was watching this video on youtube from los's
trial. the little girl's dad is on the stand, and he is just talkin shit to los
the whole time. i think his name is billy. what i dont understand tho, is why
los never said anything back to him. los was just sitting there the whole time,
not saying anything. i hate to say it, but los looked guilty as hell just
sittin there. can you ask him why he didnt say anything back to billy? i woulda
been like, "nah man, i didnt do this. you got it wrong, man. i'm
innocent." i woulda been shaking my head the whole time at least. what was
los thinking?”
Well, my lawyers told me not to get on
the stand because they just felt that the child that I had with the underage
girl would hurt the case. During the criminal phase of the trial I took their
advice, but after I lost they were telling me it’s best not to testify during
the punishment phase either. It’s best just to be quiet, because if you go up
there and deny everything, the DA’s are just going to continue to eat you up,
and make it look like you’re not trying to take responsibility. They’ll use it
to their advantage, so it’s best not to testify during the punishment phase,
either. I told my lawyer, “Look, I just lost a trial, man, for something I
didn’t do. I’m not listening to you anymore, I’m done. I’m gonna get up, and
I’m gonna to tell these people they made a mistake.
And I did, I got up on the stand and I
told the jury that they made a mistake. And it happened just like my lawyer
said, I probably shouldn’t have gotten up there because just having to deny
everything, including these other allegations from these other chicks that the
DA had brought up, it just…They just did an excellent job of making me look
like someone who just did not want to take responsibility and then they used
that to their advantage, saying someone like that really needs to go to prison
for a long time, and thus the lengthy sentence that I got. Using that angle,
among other things, they got me a lot of time.
Of course, at the end of the trial,
they just do this little circus thing where they allowed the family to come up
and, like you said, talk crap. And, of course, no one’s allowed to say
anything. I’m not allowed to speak; if I speak up, it’s contempt of court and
it could mean more time. To be honest I don’t know what it means, I’m under the
impression that you can get more time for contempt of court, but I don’t know
what you can get, I just knew that it
wasn’t wise for me to stand up and start challenging this guy’s words to me. I
had already spoken my piece during the punishment phase; I had already told
them they convicted an innocent man so they already knew that.
One thing’s for sure, her dad didn’t
have anything to say during the civil trial. My lawyer pointed him out in the
audience and said, “There’s a reason why that man right there is not up here on
the stand, because it’s a long walk between not sayin’ nothin and perjury.”
Something like that. My civil lawyer was a beast, I mean he didn’t take no
crap. That’s why I consider what happened in the civil trial a victory. Even
though I did have to pay these people a small sum, it was nothing like what
they were looking for. To this day, I haven’t paid them and to this day, no
judge or anybody has pushed it. Everybody in that civil trial walked away
believing in me, and that was a victory. Of course, the jury had to say that I was responsible
for the crime because they were basically ordered to do so by the judge. The
judge let them know that they were to look at me as guilty. I know it seems
kind of confusing because I’m going from criminal to civil, and from criminal
trial to punishment phase and all that, but you can read some of my answers on
To answer your question, I simply
wasn’t allowed to say anything, that’s how it works in trial. When people are
on the stand you have to let them talk. This was at the end of the trial, but
it’s still a part of the process. He had the legal right to say what he wanted
to say, I guess, and to be honest with you I don’t blame him; I think he was a
victim just like the plaintiff, and just like me, the defendant. I believe that
he believed the story. I believe that he had nothing to do with it. He was just
an old friend of mine, one that I had to leave behind because my career took
off and he just wanted to keep drinking and fucking up. I was on to bigger and better things, but his
wife and my wife remained friends and that’s why his daughter was spending the
night at my house that night.
Jaime SPM Freedomx
asked, "will we be able to hear Marilyn or more Ayana Mack on your new
albums? Cause they sing really dope..."
Actually, um, I‘m sorry to say that this whole deal about my verses being sold,
and a lot of verses were being sold and have been sold, it sounds like and I
hate to even put this out there, but it sounds like Carolyn may have played a
part with, of course, the main perpetrator being Jaime. He was, and is, the
profound betrayer in this situation. I keep hearing more and more of Carolyn
being involved with, at least, some of the verses that were sold.
A guy named Andrew wrote me a letter
because I asked how he acquired SPM verses, and he said that Carolyn had put a
post around the year 2013, that if anybody was interested in purchasing SPM verses,
that there were some available. By the way, if anybody remembers that post,
please let me know through SPM Aftermath, because I would like to make sure
Andrew is being honest. He’s one of the guys that bought SPM verses
thinking that they were legitimate, and that he was making a legal transaction,
when in actuality he does not own those verses and he was basically scammed.
I plan on writing an entire letter,
many pages, of what Jaime has done. Like I said last time, aside from hurting
my family and friends, and of course I consider fans family, there’s nothing
worse that you could do as far as my music. There are so many verses that have
been sold…I can tell you now that I’m still going to release this material and it’s
going to be much better than the junk that Jaime put together.
But I keep hearing Carolyn’s name more
and more in this scandal, and I know for sure that she has used unauthorized
verses on her projects, but of course she did not have access to those, Jaime
did. I may have given Carolyn one verse at the most, so all those verses you
hear on Carolyn projects were not authorized by me nor my brother. It’s
just…verses she got her hands on through Jaime. I know it seems kinda late, but
I just heard a song of hers called ‘Morning High’. That had a verse that I had
plans for, and turns out it’s been on her project for the last couple of years.
It’s been out, but again, I’m still going to use all these things.
I’m not sure if I’m going to issue a
cease-and-desist order on all the verses that Carolyn has, it’s something that
I have to decide. I want to tell everybody, it would be much better for you to
come forward if you bought an SPM verse from Jaime and let me know what
happened, rather than me finding you and having to take the proper steps; especially
if you’ve made any kind of income on that, or you’ll have to pay all of that
back if I feel that you’re not cooperative. I’m sorry to say that because I
know that everybody who bought those verses were fans, but you got scammed; you
got scammed by a guy who was, sadly, addicted to pain medication because of a
medical condition that he’s got going on with his jaw. I’m not saying Pain sold
all this stuff and made out like a champ. He’s still broke, you know, he has an
addiction, and that’s what’s behind this betrayal. It’s a long, complicated
story, but one thing for sure is that he’s done, in a business sense, the
I don’t plan on working with this guy,
and I don’t have any immediate plans on asking Carolyn for any of her vocals
until this investigation is over. I definitely forgive them personally, but
there’s a difference between personal and business. So yeah, you can expect a
lot of Marilyn, and Ayana, and other vocalists that I’ll probably meet, to
accent all this unreleased intellectual property that we have.
Again, I wanted to write a full
exposition on this situation, but I haven’t gotten around to it because I’m
trying to finish up this book I’m writing. I want to give y’all somewhat of an
inside scoop on this situation because there are people spending a lot of money
on SPM verses, and they won’t be allowed to use them. The people that have them,
and are already selling them, will have to pay the record company whatever
they’ve made and we’ll have to issue a cease and desist. Some of these people
are friends, you know? For example, Carolyn is still a friend; even though what
she allegedly has been doing is terrible, I still have that love for her. Other
artists, who I’ll mention when I come out with the letter, some of those are
friends, people that I’ve written to and spoke to before.
I am sorry that I have to get this out
so unofficially, but I just don’t want nobody to get victimized. This guy that
told me that Carolyn had put that post in 2013about the SPM verses spent
between $4,000-$5,000 on the stuff that he bought. That’s terrible, that could
be his whole life savings, and here I have to possibly not allow that stuff to
be released. I’m trying to figure out a way to work with him, but there’s just
no way that I can give him all that he got. I might be able to work out maybe a
one verse deal, but he got like five verses, so it’s pretty sad. I have big
plans for this unreleased stuff and it’s just getting sold like hotcakes,
because this guy who I trusted is needing to pop pain pills. So, that’s what it
Pablo C. said, “Great
questions, guys! Now Ima throw a curve ball here and asking Los what are his thoughts on
how his case is being handled, and how, as fans, can we help besides marching
on get his case national recognition?
Much love, Carlos. Keep your head up, this nightmare will be over soon.”
Much love, Carlos. Keep your head up, this nightmare will be over soon.”
Well, we need an active investigator. We have
an investigator, but like I explained on the other phone call, when my brother
got locked up this guy became inactive because it was my brother who set the
contract up with him. Even though it’s concerning me, the guy won’t even answer
my questions because he says he can only disclose the information to the person
that is paying him. It’s pretty frustrating, and I got kind of upset with the
guy, and kind of talked to him real bad on a letter I wrote him, but that’s
neither here nor there.
I need to get some investigators going, and
just set up another legal team. The legal teams I’ve had in the past never
involved an investigator, just lawyers,
but a very important component of getting new evidence and rounding up
information that can get us back in trial is through a private investigator.
Things are looking good, there are a lot of promising avenues we can take, and
a lot of things that we can pursue. I’ve got to just find the right investigator
and find the right team again, and that’s what we’re doing.
What the fans can do is just…do what you’ve
always done and show love. Really, I just want you to believe in this record
company and believe that the reason this record company exists is to lift up
people, is to help you, is to get our kids off of drugs, is to get our kids out
of gangs and get our kids away from prisons, and that’s what I’m always trying
to get through to you guys. Be positive. Be kind. Be happy. Don’t judge other
people, let people have a bad day. Stay away from trouble. Educate yourself.
Those are the things, and continue to support
the music and the projects that you love because if you take care of yourself,
and you become strong, then the movement becomes strong. How strong are we if
you’re out throwing up gang signs, killing your own people and selling dope,
and eventually occupying a casket or a cage. That’s not what’s going to help
anyone. I want to release a documentary on all the facts of the SPM trial. I
want to do interviews, and do a reenactment of the trial showing exactly what
was said and done, show the visuals
rather than just writing about what went on because some people don’t read;
some people would rather have the visual, you know, with the dope soundtrack in
the back, the interviews with friends and even haters, I mean, I want to give
everybody a fair chance in this documentary. I have nothing to hide, I want
everybody to express themselves. The transcripts don’t lie, what happened in
that trial don’t lie. I really want to show the world through this visual
project with the reenactment, the re-dramatization of what happened in court,
exactly how an innocent man can find himself in prison. It’s gonna be really,
really good, but it’s going to take funding.
This needs to get out to the world, it needs to
go out through my sister’s social media platforms, all the other SPM social
media platforms, any kind of platforms that we have and control. We’re not
doing that well, we still don’t have a social media guru at this point, but we
need to go to some kind of crowd funding site and present the project to the
world and set up packages. What you get if you fund $25, what kind of package
you’ll get for $50, for $200, $500, and trust me, these packages will be well
worth whatever you fund. One thing about the way I operate is I would never ask
for anything for free so anytime you see any kind of site saying donate this or
donate that, that’s from a thief.That’s not from us, we don’t ask anything for
When we set up our presentation at one of these
crowd funding sites I’ll let you know, and I need everyone to support the
project because it’s going to take a nice chunk of capital to produce. It’s
going to be something you’ll like, something that you’ll want, and you’ll be
helping a cause whose goal is to help you so it just all works out. That’s what
I’m saying, you can’t do anything that you’re not already ding, just support
what we do and you’ll see mountains move.
Alejandro M. asked, “Thoughts on Gt Garza's music?. Will there
be any features on visionary?”
I’ve heard some of GT
Garza’s songs; I would like to talk to him. I think he has everything that you
need to be successful, but I would like to give him some small advice, especially
on multi-syllable rhyme structures, which is my favorite subject. Once I do speak to him, I’ll get him on a project
if that’s what he wants to do.
Max A. asked, “
Gotti posts on facebook it's hard to adapt to the free world after his been
ther a while..if spm came out (I hope) u think life out here will b hard to
adapt then from in there were you've spent now like 13 year's”
No, because for me it’s basically the
same. I had people bring my food to me while I slept in bed, I had people wash
my sheets, I had people escort me when I went out, I had security around me...(laughs)
Did I already say that people washed my sheets, washed my underwear, washed my
towels? I had people pay my bills; I’ve never paid a bill in my life, actually.
It’s no different in prison, it’s exactly the same… (laughs) It won’t be hard
for me.
Also, in the world everywhere I went
people loved me, and everywhere I go in prison people love me. In the world all
I did was sign autographs, and in prison all I do is sign autographs. Other
than McDonalds and beautiful women, it’s el mismo.
Calc H. said, “As other people have
mentioned, there are some artist that give you shout outs in their songs. I
want to mention a female rapper that can flow better than a lot of the guys out
there. Her name is Snow Tha Product. She came out on BET and shes Mexican. She also
mentioned you in a freestyle she did. I'd be dope if both of you did a song
together. Also, she feels that shes been snubbed or robbed from people in the
music industry, from things she should of received based on numbers.”
While I was at the Allred unit I was able to catch Pocos Pero
Locos, a syndicated radio show out of California that was being played by a
radio station out of Oklahoma, in Iowa Park Texas because it’s near Oklahoma. I
heard a few songs by Snow Tha Product, and she is an absolute beast with a
capitol B and a capitol E and a capitol A and a capitol S and a capitol T. B-E-A-S-T.
I’ve never heard any Mexican American, period, outflow her, except for The
Wetback. So, that’s just how highly I think of her. She is untouchable. She’s
so gifted that I don’t even know if she realizes how gifted she really is. She
is another one I would love to talk to, aside from GT Garza. I would love to talk to about putting in a
little more effort on the multi-syllable rhyme structure also working, of she’s
not already, on the storytelling. Profound stories. Meaningful stories. But she’s just sick as hell. She’s funny,
she’s brilliant, I mean, I can’t say enough about her, I could not believe my
ears. She’s just throwed. Um, Incandesio, do you know how to spell ‘throwed’?
...So, I absolutely agree
with you about her talent and I hope I didn’t offend any rappers but she’s just
the most talented thing I’ve heard since I heard Eminem in 2000. I think she
needs more addictive beats, at least from the songs I’ve heard, but I’d love to
hear more of her music.
Robert D. said, “And
Visionary will be envisioned in a very
visual way. I have the vision, 20-10 vision when I’m wearing my glasses and you’ll
have to virtually and visually be visionary yourself, to envision this project.
Thank you for your cooperation. Coming soon.
Aristeo L asked, “You
ever heard of King Lil G? Would you do a track with him?”
Yes I’ve heard of King Lil G, but I don’t think I’ve heard
any of his music. I’ve just heard the name.
Joey P. asked, “Will we ever hear
another freestyle track like the penitentary flow.....”
Sure; sure, I mean I don’t plan on retiring until I’m in my 90s
or until I can’t talk so you’re going to hear a lot of stuff. Why would anybody
quit rapping, it’s the easiest thing you can do; getting paid to talk in a
singy-songy way.