Updated Thursdays

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quick Updates from Los (3)

Quick Update: Cages       8/22/12

El Fam,

      Everytime I receive a letter from Incandesio, with her latest posts, and your comments, it stirs my soul. Her write-ups are amazing to read and I know it was God who lead her to this situation at hand. You guys are always thanking her and I do the same thing. But she doesn't do this for praise or thanks, or for anything other than justice. Pretty cool, huh?

      The letter I got last week (from Incandesio) had my first update in it, the one about the album not making the August release. It spurred some comments that I'd like to address.
     One person began talking about the illuminati, and another person scolded him about it. The scolder said that the person made hispanics look stupid, but that's not all he said. He was more than rude, vulgar and mean, and, of course that's what makes Mexicans look stupid. Not only stupid, but the shitty way we treat each other is why we're so weak. It's why our influence is almost non-existent, (other than all the Mexican restaurants.) It's why you rarely see us in films, or getting nationwide airplay, or impacting America like we have the ability to do. We're the biggest minority in the nation, but we're not doing big things. We just do small-minded shit like put each other down all fucking day. I love you guys, and I dedicate my life to you, but we've got to work at Juan's Construction Company, not Pepe's Destruction Company. No one is going to uplift us, except us.

      For some ungodly reason we're eliminating ourselves. Every Mexican hood is infested with gangs, all hating and trying to kill each other. Look at this whole North against South thing. It's a huge war. Hell, the entire State of California is split in half. I'm talking millions of Mexican people deep in a lifestyle of self-destruction. It's everywhere, and the younger kids catch on because they're surrounded by it. How fucking sad is it when you see a three-year-old throwing up a sign that's guaranteed to put enemies in his path? Our race is being raised to self-destruct. What can a million people do when they're at war with another million? Last I heard a million minus a million equals zero.

      Do you think the government will help? Did you know that they already know that thousands of us are shooting at each other everyday, jumping each other everyday, and constantly dying or getting locked up? They already know that millions of Mexican kids are involved in gangs and guaranteed to occupy caskets and cages at an early age. But they need people to fill all these damn prisons that they've built, to fill all the courtrooms they've built. The system employs more people than any other business entity on earth, and we help keep them employed. From lawyers, to judges to the cleaning services that keep their offices tidy. It's a multi-trillion dolar machine and they've chosen us to be the gasoline.

      Did you know that they need drop-outs to fill all the lowest paying jobs. They know that if we're lucky enough not to get a life sentence, or be the star of a funeral, we'll most likely have some kids and want to change our lives. So, we'll work wherever we can to feed our families. That means working for peanuts. Trust me, they know what's happening to us, but we've been chosen to fill the bottom of the barrel. That's why we die left and right and we're lucky to get forty-five seconds on the news. But let something tragic happen to someone else and it's one every fucking channel.

      Per capita, Mexicans have the number one drop out rate, the highest percentage of people in prison, the highest rate of race on race murders, and the highest rate of race on race assaults. Just like Michael Jordan played basketball better than any other player, we destroy ourselves better than any other race. I know it's good to be number one at something, but gotdamn, these aren't exactly the kind of trophies you put over the fireplace.

      The first thing we've got to do is save ourselves as individuals. If you're drowning, how can you help the next person? You have to, first, swim to the boat, then throw some life-jackets out for others. You swim to the boat with education. And don't think it stops after high school. A diploma is a great accomplishment, but grade school is preparation for higher learning. College is where you'll learn more specific skills that will build a powerful life.

      The government thinks like every other dumbass does. They'll say, “Well, those people choose to live that way, so it's their own fault. What can we do?”

      Are you going to tell me it's that three-year-old's fault? Are you saying that he chose to live that way? He's been getting poisoned with hatred and a lifestyle of drama since the day he was born. It's not that he learned these ways, it's what he was made with. That's like saying it's a pecan pie's fault for having pecans. These are innocent children, but once they get a little hair on their face, everybody fucking hates them 'cause they're full of poison. I heard a country song the other day that said, “Who you are isn't who you have to be.” Sounds nice in a song, but it's extremely hard for a pecan pie to become a cherry pie. Just like they say, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Well, it also takes a fucking army to change one. But life has it's solution, death. Society has their solution, too, prison.
     By the time I finish this sentence, thousands of unstable women will get pregnant by thousands of lost men. Then comes the baby, who basically gets raised in a coo-coo farm. If you've been raised with better ingredients, and have that ability to love, then you should try to help someone, not judge them. There's a reason why God said to remember the prisoner. There's a reason He said never to judge people. There's a reason he said, “When you have done for the least of these, who have done for me.”

      If we could convince people not to poison their babies with their own fucked up ways, then it would solve the problem, but that's just wishful thinking. Still, it's easy to spot the kids who will one day occupy cages or worse. Every elementary teacher should be trained to spot these kids, and start some type of intervention. The problem is the kid still has to go home, to the insane asylum, so the effort needs to be even broader. We've all got to reach out. The hell with the slogan, “Got Milk?” We need to know if you “Got Love?”

      The Bible says that our war is not with man, but with things we can't even see. It's saying that we should never hate people, but hate the evil that poisons them. There's always a reason why someone is the way they are. Their mind could be physically fucked up from natural causes, or fucked up in a man-made way. I can tell you one thing: The ONLY thing that will EVER help is love. Ironically, people hate those who need love the most. I see it everyday in prison. In this pod, alone, there's like six guys who have no friends except me. I might give them a little coffee, or just ask them how they're doing. Other guys always ask, “Los, why do you talk to that piece of shit.” I always say the same thing, “God don't make junk. He makes good people. But Satan's bitch-ass, that's who I hate.”

      I'm going to write you guys more tomorrow. I'll send this with a poem my neighbor sent me. He's a white dude named Sinner. He's fifty-four years old and probably in better shape than anyone on this sixty-four-man pod. He constantly works out. I'm, like, “Damn Sin, you got a fight coming up?” He's, like, “Ya never know.”

Con Amor

 By: Sinner
Within these cages, it's forced captivity
This Ad-Seg is a rude reality
These are animals, The human kind
Secure in boxes, are the worst you'll find...
Crimes are status badges “worn on their chest,”
it's a box of rattlers, a serpent's nest
Don't ever doubt the evil man can do,
Especially when they've targeted you...
Boiling water thrown in the face, a shank in the eye,
To escape the madness, it's parole or die...
A walk of death thru a pit of sorrow,
Only the strong will live to see tomorrow...
Hunting in groups, running with the pack
Stalking the new or weak, a dastardly attack...
Defending honor blood and steel,
Hearts are cold, empathy incapable to feel
A tragic kingdom, a daily quest to survive
A battle of the fittest to stay alive...
Rumors and lies are a slanderous knife,
Twisting the facts can take your life...
Seperating the colors, dividing the races
lost in the crowd, becoming one of the faces,
I'm not you, but you live like me,
Stripped of the identity we used to be...
locked in cages battling the element of time
Society's solution to isolate crime
It's a concrete jungle, society's hell
Will you live till tomorrow, only time will tell...
To Carlos

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Retribution 1

“He deserves to be in prison because of the baby he had with Jill Odom.”

This assertion comes up a lot; it’s a complex question to answer. Why should anyone, who's ever done anything wrong, expect fairness?  Why shouldn't we make people pay for wrong-doing through any means possible?

I want to deal with this in three parts, the first of which is…

Why do people say this?

The first thing you have to do is figure out what they think supports their argument; is it 'retribution', or 'cause and effect?' According to Google, retribution means “Punishment that is morally right and fully deserved.” Dictionary.com defines cause-and-effect as "noting a relationship between actions or events such that one or more are the result of the other or others. "

     Cause and Effect:

Let’s say you pop some LSD (Yes, my drug lingo is severely outdated; sorry.) Years later, you get flashbacks and neurological problems that ruin your life. The same people that ask the question above would probably say “That’s your punishment for doing drugs.”

Well, who the hell is punishing you? God? Karma? No. The problems are directly caused by a choice you made. Knowingly or unknowingly, when you took the LSD, you accepted the responsibility for any damage it might do to you. It’s not a punishment; it’s the result of something you did.

Carlos Coy made a choice early in life; he may one day have to answer for it in court. In the State of Texas, it’s a crime to have sex with a minor, whether you know they’re a minor or not. If you’re banging someone, you have accepted the responsibility of knowing for a fact that they are legal. If you fail to ensure that, you’ve created the cause. The legal situation that follows will be the effect.

Knowing, however, that Coy was never tried for the Odom case means it’s untrue to say that his conviction had anything to do with it. It may have lengthened his sentence, because she was brought in to testify during the punishment phase, but it’s also possible that her testimony was the reason he didn’t get life, which is what the prosecutors were trying for.

Now, what if their idea is that 45 in prison was appropriate retribution for what happened with Jill Odom?

Maybe it would have been, maybe it wouldn’t. The problem is that he was never tried for it, which means that, as I understand it, no punishment would be appropriate. The state defines what a crime is, but is not allowed to punish you for it until it’s been proven; if we accept that you're not really innocent (in the eyes of the law) until proven guilty, then why should anyone get a trial? We're all guilty of something, whether it's smoking weed in college, stepping on the endangered-toad-of-the-week, or digging in your yard without getting permission from the power company.

It’s why, in theory, the justice system exists. We give them permission to exact retribution as an impartial arbiter; an un-attached entity that can stride into an emotional situation and make unemotional, just decisions. They’re not supposed to be lashing out wildly at people without due process in each case.

Last of all, some people will tell you that God, or Karma, or the Giant Spaghetti Monster are using this questionable conviction to punish Coy for a different sin; in this case, your best bet is to smile politely and back away, unless you enjoy religious discussions and pondering the nature of God and whether or not He punishes people for sin. Have fun with that, but it’s not my thing.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Weekend Reading 43

Check out this article from the Huffington Post:

...Williams, an honors student with an unblemished record, was convicted by a jury with no black people on it of an interracial crime that lacked independent witnesses or physical evidence and was based on a notoriously flawed method for identifying suspects.

As for the white prosecutor who crowed about justice, she tearfully clutched the arm of a sheriff's deputy when Williams reacted to the jury's verdict -- even though he merely professed his innocence without leaving the defense table.

The prosecutor should cry. Everyone responsible for this case should shed tears. They ruined a young man's life.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

David Lee Wiggins

David Lee Wiggins was convicted of breaking into the home of a 14 year-old girl and raping her back in 1988. She picked him out of a photo line-up, then a live line-up. He was convicted in 1989, and sentenced to life in prison. In 2007 his attorney got the DA’s office to agree to testing, “but a nationally recognized laboratory "issued three reports with mixed results”, whatever the fuck that means. Finally, the Innocence Project got involved and sent the DNA to a laboratory in California, which announced, on August 9th, that Wiggins was not the rapist.

23 years of this man’s life, gone like a puff of smoke. A victim, who never got justice in the first place, is now forced to accept that her testimony put an innocent behind bars.
Where’s the real rapist? Well, no one knows; probably out raping more little girls, because once the wrong guy was locked up, everyone quit looking.

This assault happened; there was DNA evidence left behind, and a victim old enough, one would think, to reliably identify her attacker, but still the wrong man was sent to prison. We shake our heads and say, “Well, thank God we figured it out eventually! Hurray for DNA testing!”, but who’s asking “How many men have been imprisoned with the same methods, without even the slim chance of exoneration that DNA offers?” If a man can be imprisoned in a case where evidence is disregarded, how many more are locked away when there is no evidence at all? No proof that an assault even occurred?

Dallas is making an effort to identify and free men who can prove their innocence. They've made a great start, and I hope very much it will be followed by an earnest look at those who can’t prove it, and never got the benefit of being presumed innocent.






Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dear Family (Part 7)

                                                                                                                        July 25th, 2012

Yo Fam,

            This letter was going to be a “Quick Update” but since I put a Cold 40 at the end, I’m making it a “Family” letter. I don’t want to put Cold Forties in different places, inconsistently.

            Alright, Incandesio sent me a letter, and she also included some comments. You guys are wild for real! There was a big debate on who the best rapper was, and a lot of people participated. There was even a hater in the house saying a few unkind things about me, and one person told him that he only made us stronger. That’s true. I know it’s not easy when these people insult me, or you, but haters are necessary for our movement. Even though their mouths are no different than a hog’s asshole, we can use them to stay focused. They’re the whole reason I decided to start this process of showing you the facts of my case, and they motivate me more than you know. Do I wish they would disappear? Not really. Even though they got me twisted, they strengthen me, so I’m thankful for them. I encourage you guys to use those kind of people as fuel to work harder, and accomplish more. That’s what I do, and I’ve been getting hated on since birth, practically.

            Now, let’s get to this subject of who the best rapper is. Well, for some people it may be me, because they feel my pain, my joy, my sense of humor, my life. For others, it may be Drake, or Weezy, or Em, or even Snoop. Ya see, the best rapper is who you can feel the most. And since everybody’s life differs, their choices of music will differ. But you’ve also got to consider skill; stuff like rhyming capacity, witty story-telling, ability to connect with listeners. Tupac was great at touching people’s emotions because he spoke so vividly of the struggle. He made a lot of people say, “That’s me! I went through that!” It was just one of his many gifts.

            Eminem also touches emotions but his rhyming ability is fucking Einstein shit. If I had some lyrics of his, I’d show you rhymes that you never knew were there. And you’d be, like, “Damn, this dude is remarkable!”

            Weezy is brilliant with metaphors and rhyming, alike. The thing about a lot of his material is it focuses on commercial appeal. But that’s why he’s the most successful rapper in the world, and has been for a while.

            Jay-z is another lyrical genius. He’s like Babe Ruth, he might not hit a homerun everytime, but when he steps to the plate, he’s as dangerous as they get.

            I’ll tell you another monster, and that’s K-Rino. That man will give you much more than what your dollars and cents could ever give to him. He’s a giant.

            One person mentioned how great Big Pun was, and I whole heartedly agree. He was a masterful lyricist, and funny, too. Big Pun’s music is the shit, and let me tell you something about Fat Joe: That dude is the realest rap artist I’ve met. He made my visits to New York so awesome that I didn’t want to leave. I love Fat Joe, and he’s no punk on that mike, either.

            There’s another artist, who happens to be extremely good-looking, who I’m sure Eva Longoria, Eva Mendez, and Even Ya-Mama dream about late at night. That would be me, and guess what? If you ask me who the best rapper is, I’ll be honest and say I am. Why? Because my music reflects my life, my thoughts, on beats that I love. So, of course, it’s what moves me the most. At the same time I’m nice with multi-syllable rhymes, with story-telling skills, with metaphors, and even humor, (at least what I think is humorous.) Some may disagree. They may say, “Nah, so ‘n’ so is better.” And that’s true for them. But if I could listen to any CD right now, I would pick one of my own. That shit is like medicine to my soul. I’m not sure which album I’d pick, but I’m leaning towards “Reveille Park.” We had a lot of fun doing that one.

            You know, that reminds me of something I read in your comments a while back. This is off the subject, but a person wrote that Reveille Park and South Park were two different areas, so which was I really from? I found that quite rude!

            The answer is that I moved to South Park (from the Southeast Side) in the 7th grade. My mom stumbled on a deal to buy a small trailer park in a neighborhood called Hillwood. I don’t think she knew that I’d be the only Mexican dude in my entire school (Woodson Middle School), but that was the case. I was also the only Mexican in my entire High School (Worthing), but everybody knew me by then. My name came from a joke that was said in middle school. A kid asked me my name and I said “Carlos.” He said, “We’ll just call you Mexican since you the only one we got.”

            Then another kid said, “Yeah, he the South Park Mexican!” And everybody laughed like it was the funniest thing on earth. I guess it is kind of funny when you think about it. You’ll get to read all about this in the book I’m writing. Now, back to the subject.

            There’s many greats in this thing called “rap.” You got Biggy, Scarface, Keke, Bash, Pat, Bing, Pimp, Grimm, Nas, Ro, Kanye, Andre, T.I., Luda and on and on. I could literally write dozens of pages of names from the Bay Area, to Southern Cali, to the NY burroughs, to the whole Dirty Third.

            Then you got groups like NWA, Mobb Deep, The Fugies, Bone Thugs, Wu-Tang, Geto Boys, Black Monks, Street Military, South Park Coalition, The Most Hated, Dogg Pound. When great minds come together, it becomes more powerful that what any one man can do.

            I could go further back to Dana Dane, Slick Rick, MC Breeze, Naughty By Nature, LL Cool J, Chub Rock, Run DMC, Beastie Boys. All these guys were the best during different times, and there’s many more, and many more to come.

            So, yeah, I thank you if you think I’m the best, but there’s too many lifestyles, too many rap styles to say our opinion means more than someone elses. And don’t let me forget about Lecrae, a rap artist who happens to be a Christian. I can tell you one thing: There’s a million lies about life, and only one truth; that’s God’s truth. So, if you want to talk about the realest rapper on earth, you should be looking at the ones who are delivering the truth.

            A lot of people just want something to dance to. I can tell you now that I’m not your best choice. I don’t make music for clubs or radio stations. Honestly, people who love the fuck out of my music, are usually those who can relate to all the pain I’ve been through. But not everybody has lived a hard life. Is it their fault they can’t feel my music? Of course not. You can’t make someone like the music you like. There’s all types of walks of life, and that’s why there’s all types of music. Nobody’s right or wrong when it comes to who is the best. We all have our own favorites, and that’s the beauty of life.

            I might think ketchup is nasty, but you might think it’s delicious. Is one of us lying? No, what’s true for you and what’s true for me can be two different things. It’s great to debate stuff, but at the same time, respect people’s differences. There’s no need to get sore when someone doesn’t share your taste.

            Now, with your permission, I’ll get to the Cold 40, but let me explain something. I’ve got a homeboy over here (lol!) named Miglo, who be trying to challenge me. He sends me his flows on paper, and I respond. I saved his flows and the rough drafts of my responses because I thought you might like to see how I destroy him. So here’s one of our bloody rounds, and trust me, it wasn’t my blood. Don’t get the wrong idea, though. Miglo is a good friend of mine. We’re just joking with each other. Still, his flows need more help than a blind man on a hunting trip. Also, keep in mind that he doesn’t seem to understand the four beats per bar that keep the delivery on time. His lines are not on a beat, (at least I couldn’t figure out an structure.) I’ll start with Miglo’s, um, attempt, and then mine will follow. I’ll spell everything exactly how he did, which, I’m sure, will motivate you youngsters to stay in school.

Title: "Give It Up Carlos"

Yo! Fat nigga! Give up rap and become my oblation

cuz wreckin your career is my only temptation

I can feel the lust better than self masturbation

close your eyes trick and have that imagination

cuz going to war with me is like war with the nation

I'm bombing first "Bombma Nation"

smashin you until I reach my fuckin destination

that's the only direction my lyrics poisonin

your veins my "pen" is da lethal injection

watch out Carlos your car's on the wrong intersection

"give it up" is your only coffection

Before I eat your career like a fuckin infection

yo! Los your still claimin that you got the title

But your new shit ain't hood! must be packin da Bible

I'm fuckin street approve nigga! I'm packin for survival

But anyways your spittin cartoon raps, is this a battle

let me take initiative to spank u with da paddle

you're no cobra, your a fuckin snake playin with your rattle

You got old dreams, I'm the new king of all castles

na! your not a fuckin hasle

But nigga exhale that crack smoke

shoulda stuck with Mary, da motha of da Mexican smoke

But now your like George Lopez a fuckin Mexican joke

Puff Puff, pass you know the ropes

Don't make me tie it to you thrick until you choke

(Don't trip) my brain is just Cloudy chee, chee chong

your fat ass up in smoke!
Lol! I told you it was terrible, but that's my nigga. Bless his heart, at least he tries. I normally wouldn't respond to something this wack, but smashin Miglo has gotten to be fun. Here's how I responded to this one.

"Crack Town"
(Another Cold 40)

Wreckin you is easy, nigga, I don't even think long

you pushed the doorbell, now you get the ding dong

put you in a pink thong, dancin to a Pink song

people like, "Hey motherfucker put your jeans on!"

steppin to the king, What'cha do, nigga, sniff a line?

it ain't been a minute and it's already Miller Time

so fuckin clear who the mothafuckin champion is

beat yo ass blacka than the nipples was on Janet's tits

snap ya ribs, crack ya hips, now you rap in bandages

took you to an Asian doc, "Two spoon-o-panda piss!"

Why would you battle this crack I spit, savage shit?

knowing you are softer than the fur around a camel's lip

send you to the demons if you eva try to try again

got enough bullets for a party so invite a friend

nigga I'm a grizzly bear, walkin round a rabbit farm

let me shake ya hand, now you screamin, "I don't have an arm!"

How you gon' be on Facebook if you ain't got a face?

still I'm gon' slap you like you broke my enchilada plates

thinkin it was worth a shot, homie get a circus job

"Come see the man with no nuts! Like the Kermit frog!"

honestly, hold the noise, losin is your only choice

fucked you like you on a bus with the Los Lonely Boys

trapped in the last cabin, screamin, "you fat bastards!"

Now I know what you meant when you called'em "back stabbers"

then ya called Houston cops: "Sir, you been through a lot,

but, wearin g-strings will always get your boody got.

Think about it, true or not? Still, Sir, it's good to talk.

Tell me what happened next." I don't know! They wouldn't stop!

then ya heard the other cops laughin in the background

One said, "Do a movie on it, call it 'Crack Town'!"

so ya just threw the phone, landed in ya neighbor's pool

anytime you step to me, son, you gon' play the fool

Welcome to my School of Rap--"Why was I suspended, man?!!"

cause ya can't flow, why the fuck do you pretend ya can?

Look how I demolish you, chop you into fish bait

make ya ass pay like a mothafuckin rich date

maybe you just want some help, wishin I would give advice

Nope, I just send ya home like the fuckin kid with lice

but ya came back so I'm questionin ya mental health

"Will I ever win?!!" not unless you bet against yaself....haha!

Leave it alone, baby boy.
I'm too cold.

P.S. Family, believe it or
not, he was insane enough to
try again. I'll show you how
I chopped'im up even worse on my
next letter.

P.S. II My flow was not meant to
disrespect Los Lonely Boys in any
way. I'm a huge fan of theirs,
and from what I understand, they
love our music, too. I was just joking
with Miglo's ass, literally.

P.S. III I can't believe this, but "oblation"
is a real word! I just know he meant to spell
"obligation," though.

Fair Warning

I'm cleaning up the blog's twitter. There are a few accounts I need to be able to see, and right now there's too much noise in the timeline. If I unfollowed you it's nothing personal, I'm just trying to make sure that I can find new information while it's still new.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Weekend Reading 42

The poll is up on Facebook, vote for the question you'd like to see SPM answer: http://www.facebook.com/SPM.Aftermath

Also, what appears to be a new-ish photo of Coy, his son & daughter was posted to Twitter; check it out here.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I am very pleased to be able to tell y’all that Carlos Coy now has a Twitter account, @SonofNorma. First tweet: “You are now following the dopest man on Earth. but, there is a rapping rock on Mars that might give me some trouble.”

As of this post, he’s got 115 followers;  let’s see if we can’t get the King of Dope a couple thousand in a timely fashion. This is not just about providing you with a daily dose of SPM, but also to reach out and let fans all over the world that he’s still here, still releasing music, and still fighting for his freedom.

I am not the liaison for this account; Brent Morton is the new social media guy, and I believe that he will be the one to keep you updated on what’s going on with Dope House, album releases, etc. You may remember that his blog recently published a new interview with Coy, go check it out if you haven’t seen it already.

 Morton and Arthur Coy are busting their asses to pull together all the shit that has been neglected, and I think we’re going to see better communication with the fans very, very soon.

This post is a little short, but there’s a lot of things going on in the background that I hope to be able to tell you about soon. We’ve got another letter to the family & a Cold 40 coming up next week, so stay tuned.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Letter to Pat Lykos 25

It's the middle of August, so please join me in sending a letter to the District Attorney. You can send her a copy of this one, write your own, or send her one of the downloadable flyers to your right. We need to keep this case in front of her, and I hope you'll join me in doing that.

District Attorney Patricia Lykos
1201 Franklin St
Houston, TX

I’m writing today about the case of Carlos Coy, #908426.
In past letters, I’ve brought to your attention problems with his trial; I’ve mentioned cases similar to Coy’s that have now been overturned. I’ve highlighted some ethical issues that became apparent after your predecessor, Chuck Rosenthal, left office.

Today I’d like to speak with you about the un-prosecuted indictments against Carlos Coy. There were between four and eight, depending on the source. The alleged victims in these cases were brought in to testify against Coy during the sentencing phase, although according to newspaper stories at the time the prosecution tried to have their testimony admitted earlier.

 What was it about these cases prevented the state from taking them to trial? Although they were treated as solid evidence of his guilt during the trial, none of them were ever prosecuted; why then were they used? Several attempts to bring these allegations to civil trial failed, which makes me wonder if they were supported by any evidence, at all.

It would not have been out of character for the D.A.'s office, at that time, to obtain indictments simply to allow these women to speak at the trial. As you know, the number of no-bills increased dramatically after you took office, which I believe was because you changed the focus of the office back to obtaining justice, not just racking up convictions. Please, take a look at these cases and consider whether they were put before the grand jury in good faith.

Me, my address, blah blah blah.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Questions for SPM

If you have a question about the case, or about what SPM has written so far, send it in! Next week, four questions will be up on Facebook for voting.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Can't Stop the Hustle

The mixtape is finished! It’s available for download here: http://www.datpiff.com/Free-SPM-Movement-cant-Stop-The-Hustle-mixtape.381098.html

I really can’t say how much I wish more people were willing to jump in with projects like this. We need to get SPM’s name and situation in front of the public, and that’s exactly what was done here. A lot of work from many different people went into this so please, check it out and spread it around.

If you’re an artist, or a rapper, or have any kind of gift, take a minute to think about what you could do to get SPM’S name out there.

On a similar note, those of you following the blog from the beginning may remember J.R.Smooth’s interview with Sylvia Coy; he recently gave me some time on his show to talk about the blog.

You can hear it here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/jrsmoothlive/2012/08/06/another-session-with-jay-r-smooth

He has a great show, with a lot of good music, but if you’re in a hurry you can hear me call in at 39:00. I fucked up when I tried to remember how many exonerees have come out of Dallas, the actual number is between 30-40.

This was an incredible opportunity to remind people that Coy’s still fighting for his freedom, and it means a lot to me that Jay was willing to help with that.
You can find him on Facebook, Twitter, or at his website.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Quick Updates From Los (2)

Quick Update:                                                 Postmark: 19 July, 2012

Young Fam,

            Wut da dilla? Well, as most of you know, I asked Incandesio to start a “Quick Update” section on her site. Sometimes I feel like saying a few things, without a long, complex letter, so expect to hear from me a lot more often.

            Incandesio often writes me with what she transcribes on her site, also with your comments, letters to Lykos and other write-ups she does. I love reading these letters, and I’m very thankful for what she does.

            On this last letter, someone asked about Bing, and it’s fine to ask about anything you want. Personally, I’m not crazy about always talking about this fucked up situation I’m in. It’s good to talk about other things every now and then.

            One person asked what my personal thoughts on Bing were. I’d love to answer that question. Bing is a monsterous talent. He was our future. He was an extremely gifted artist and a lyrical genius. Still is. I’m not sure if he could make beats, but he might have been good at that, too.

            Bing was on this unit when I first got here. He sent me a letter full of love and also a bundle of stamps in case I didn’t have any. Ya see, when you get moved to a different prison, most of your property doesn’t go with you. It takes a few weeks to catch up to you. So, yes, I did need those stamps to write home and tell my family that I had been moved to another unit.

            Bing and I were in the County together and he wrote about some legal help he needed. I wrote him back with some info.. but then I got shipped to prison. Bing is not supposed to be in prison. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I won’t rest till both of us are free.

            On this spmaftermath letter, some dude is telling Incandesio to delete the fucking blog, and I’m not sure why this dude is talking crap. He’s supposed to be the son of someone we pissed off, evidently. What trips me out is this cat is talking cash shit to a woman, a mother of little children, and someone’s beautiful daughter. That’s what’s crazy about this internet shit. Honestly, I knew nothing about the internet till I came to prison. I don’t know, I guess I thought computers were just for smart people. But it trips me out how so many people talk trash, make threats, “I’ll find you, you’ll regret it, you’ll scream for mercy, I’ll eat your eyeballs, fuck you, fuck your mom, fuck your life, you ain’t shit, blah, blah, blah….” It just blows my mind, because in prison, if you even look at someone sideways, you’ll have to back up that look. Even in High Security, a mothafucker will will get with you if need be. I totally understand the complaints that people make concerning the net – how people talk trash and do not get held accountable because they’re in their own home, safe and sound. But I urge you guys, don’t get into spit wars with these people. I’m sorry if my letter to Filero set a bad example, and there is no good excuse. I should have just told the truth without name-calling and without anger in my voice. But Filero was/is close to me; hell, he lived with me for God’s sake. Very rarely will I lose my cool like that, and if it does happen, it’s usually someone who I’m close to. Those are the people who break my heart the worst. I guess Filero just needed some attention. There’s no doubt that he’s done a lot for the Mexican American rap artist. He even taught me how to make beats. But he seems to want to be more that what he is, or just say he did more than what he did. But you know what’s crazy about all this? Filero has a beat on The Son of Norma! In 2010, when we were looking for beats, he submitted, like, nine beats. A few were pretty nice. I wrote a song called “Frustration” to one of those beats and I wrecked that bitch. Actually, I think I used lyrics from one of my earlier Cold Forties:

Christians please pray for me, haters please keep me strong

Players please love me like you love my every single song

Since my first October 5th, both my fucking palms itched

Made myself millions, but that’s not what I call rich

Once I told my mom this, “You are not my mom, bitch,
I sung these 2 lines <
 you stoled me from my family, fed me from the wrong tits.”

Please forgive your youngest son, you know I’ll fucking die for you

Norma you’re my life, you’re in almost every rhyme I do…..

            I wrecked that hoe. But it’s funny how the man has his heart set against the Dope House, yet submits his songs in hopes of the Dope House using one for an SPM project. Still, let me make it clear that I do love Filero. I’m not the type of to hate people. It’s really odd, because I can go to sleep, literally ready to kill a bitch, but then wake up ready to forgive the person. How the fuck can I stay mad at someone when I’m so blessed? I think you guys should all feel that way. Man, anytime bad feelings try to get me down, I say, “Hold up, Los. Don’t forget about that dude you met at the Walls Unit. The one who told you that as soon as he gets a chance, he’s going to hang himself. Why? Because he has a malignant tumor in his head that hurts so bad, he can’t take it. He would rather die in twenty short seconds, than die an excruciating death for the next six months. Don’t forget about the dude that got hit in the back of the neck, and is now paralyzed. He just wishes he could stand up and take a piss. You’ve got healthy kids, healthy body, a family that loves and supports you, lots of people that love you, ten toes, ten fingers.

            Yeah, so that’s how I’m always thinking, man. Even when I write you guys, I just thank God that my hand works, that my mind works. Shit, there’s a lot of dudes here that are mentally ill. They have to take all kinds of medication or they flip out. So, don’t think I hate Filero. This is not some Dope House against their label bullshit. Not to be rude, but I don’t think there’s a man on fucking earth that can fuck with me on the mike, much less the dudes at Filero’s camp.

I wish them well, but even they’re smart enough to know they’ve got nothing for me.


            The letter I got from Incandesio says something about FIlero writing a response to the response I did. One person commented as if Filero’s response made sense. Who knows what he said, at least I don’t, so I can’t comment on it. But I’ll be more than happy to clear the air on whatever bullshit he said. Last I checked, I’m still among the realest, and to tell you the truth, all my life I’ve had to deal with envy and hatred and a thousand Fileros. Trust me, I’m used to it.

            But I will say one thing: My dumbass is doing exactly what those dudes want, and that go back and forth with them. It’s giving them the attention they need. I saw it on some of your comments. You were, like, “Where can I go to read Filero’s response?!!!” But I’ll respond to whatever he said because I guarantee you it’s bullshit, and I don’t mind proving it. Actually, it’s kind of fun, you know, responding and all.

            Well, in other news, Baby Bash wrote me last night. He wrote, using Carolyn Rodriguez’s Jpay account, so obviously she ran into him. He’s doing good. I can’t wait to get out of High Security so I can talk to everyone on that damn phone. I’ve got mountains of ideas, song concepts, lyrics, hooks and more. We’re just going to keep blowing the fuck up. Everything that I’m going through has only made our movement stronger. People may not have realized that fact, but they will.

            Damn, this is a long-ass “quick” update. Let me go ahead and make me a little bean dip and figure out what I’m going to do next. Right now, it’s 1:19 in the morning. But I drank some coffee, like, at 10:30 pm and I feel like I’m on crack. I’m going to make myself stay up all night so I don’t miss recreation in the morning.

Adios! I love you!


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Weekend Reading 41

Dope House & Salty Water Records are on the move, heading to New Mexico this weekend to promote Carolyn Rodriguez’ ‘Purp Is My Perfume’ and Pancho V’s ‘Redemption’. I spoke to them outside Tha Westside Spot this week.

Carolyn described P.I.M.P. as an “an interlude album... Just something for summer.” There are plenty of featured artists including SPM, Quota, Lucky Luciano, Ounce, Carefree, and several more.
Also, if you’re looking to get ahold of a ‘Free SPM’ T-shirt, check out http://www.medicinegirlmusic.com/

Follow her on Twitter @Medicinegirl or Facebook .

You can get a hard copy of ‘Redemption’ or download if free here: http://www.panchov.com/

Those of you familiar with the artist know he was released from prison only last year, and he hit the ground running. ‘Redemption’ is the first Album from Salty Water Records in 10 years; featuring Juan Gotti, Low G, Lucky Luciano, Gemini, Dat Boi T, and several more, it’s a milestone. As Pancho V said,
“This is Salty Water and Dope House, trying to get the movement back together.”

See him on Twitter @Pancho_V_ and Facebook.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Letter to Pat Lykos 24

First of the month, time for another letter to the D.A.! Please feel free to print this off and send it, write your own, or just mail one of the printable flyers from the sidebar on your right.

District Attorney Patricia Lykos
1201 Franklin St
Houston, TX


I’m writing today about the case of Carlos Coy, #908426.
I have been following the case of Brian Banks recently; his story is heartbreaking- ten years under the cloud of a wrongful conviction before being exonerated.

His case has been widely reported, and the publicity generated by it has given him the chance to follow his dreams and try out for several professional football teams; however, as his recent try-out for the Seahawks made clear, there is no way to return him to the life that was stolen. He can build on his new freedom, but he can’t recover lost opportunities.

Carlos Coy’s was imprisoned on similar evidence; no DNA, nothing physical to link him to the supposed assault; only testimony, which was confused and weak at best. The child said she could not remember clearly, once even suggesting that she had dreamed the whole thing. The state’s experts seemed unaware that she had been prescribed anti-depressants (for symptoms that sound very similar to PTSD) months before she accused Coy.

I believe that the misbehavior in Carlos Coy’s case will eventually come to light, and I hope that, with your help, it can be sooner than later. Please, review it yourself or assign an investigator to look through it. Whether you believe Coy is innocent or guilty, justice was not served in his trial.

Me, my address, blah blah blah.

All of you that have been sending these in with me, thank you so much. For those of you that have yet to do so, why not start this week?